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Everything posted by NWBuck

  1. I'm sure he wrestled with doing that ad for quite some time... usually, he's not one to say something about things he sees that might be a problem.
  2. Well, the next ones on the list should be Franklin Falls (not this summer, though, due to construction- it's gorgeous when we get snow/ice, and is an easy hike) and Bridal Veil Falls (and you might as well keep on going up to Lake Serene). Franklin is just beyond Snoqualmie (up I-90), and Bridal Veil/Serene is right off of Rt. 2 (a bit further on from Wallace)
  3. NWBuck

    Mammoth WVH

    I thought that too... after a few listens, though, it didn't seem to have enough "brown sound" that EVH was known for. With the echo, it almost seems more Steve Vai-esque
  4. Geoff Tate. (off the top of my head... but I couldn't tell you what I had for lunch today)
  5. Now include Brianna Banks... (a totally random name I just conjured out of nowhere with zero familiarity with her body of work)
  6. Oh, Alabama will still manage to play The Citadel the week before the Auburn game. That's the #SEC "Chicken-shit Saturday" tradition... But it also means that Texas can schedule Abilene Christian. So that's nice.
  7. The freedom to define 'freedom' for everyone else.
  8. If she was on a mental health hold, they more than likely would have taken her phone, no?
  9. Under-appreciated (in my opinion), but I'd add Myles Kennedy to this list. Not at the Cornell or Mercury tier, but one of the mid-majors. Outside of his work with Slash and Alter Bridge, he's probably (unfortunately) best known for this:
  10. Appropriate air travel t-shirt...
  11. Nah- he would have never used fossil fuels
  12. I'm particularly irked by those who hold the phone like it's some sort of lip plate or something... I understand the purpose, but when they don't have earbuds or anything, it means they are both shouting into it and cranking the volume so they can hear what's being said.
  13. One of my students lost their life in a similar situation: 2019 Seattle Crane Collapse
  14. NWBuck


    Who should I tip for ensuring that we have two threads about this topic?
  15. Huh. I give her the tip, and only for two minutes work.
  16. Not surprising in the least... The "Praying Coach" case (church and state issue from earlier this year) didn't seem to think that facts mattered either.
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