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Everything posted by NWBuck

  1. Good to see Peyton in a College Bowl that doesn't have the word "Citrus" in the name.
  2. Nah, the only way to get Ohio people to eat peanut butter is so cover it in chocolate. Related, how great would it be if PB was in another container. That last 1/4 of a jar where you end up with PB on everywhere but the knife while you chase a glob around in circles is just the worst.
  3. NWBuck

    New Music 2021

    Oh my Lorde /obligatory
  4. My thoughts exactly... Maybe 'youth' is too old for him now?
  5. I get your meaning, but I'm pretty sure this is just the thing that rivers, streams, ponds, lakes, and oceans were invented for.
  6. Nah, I buy it... particularly if those SEC states count sex with siblings/cousins. There's a reason it's called "relations".
  7. Our Senator isn't a Democrat. She's also not a Republican, or a Libertarian. She's a "contrarian". You know, the kid who lives in Austin but just loves the Sooners because he has zero IQ to be different than everyone else. The "Phantom Menace was better than Empire" person, who also believes that Limp Biscuit has a more significant cultural legacy than Pearl Jam. "Beans are the best part of chili!" "The McRib is top quality barbecue... which is better in Pennsylvania, anyway." Starts every sentence with "Well, actually..." and you can get them to disagree with a position they fought to defend just a few moments earlier. Yeah, that guy. Well, that's our Kyrsten. "Whatever I need to do to be different and stand out, that's my position". "Spell my name with an I? As if... I spell my name with a 'Y' and will give you hell if you forget that." "I'm in a predominantly Red state? Cool, I'm a Democrat!" "I'm so edgy... I'm going to be sworn in on the Constitutions instead of the Bible." "I'm the first gay female Senator! Wait I'm not? I meant bi-sexual... the first bisexual female Senator!" "The Democrats need me to vote along with them? Nope, gonna do my own thing..." Hard to be surprised that she doesn't want to get rid of the filibuster... it's something that can let one person be the focus of attention and completely logjam the nation. She has no problems kneecapping democracy, since all she seems to care about is herself anyway.
  8. Chainsaw repair in Texas? I'd probably ask the folks who live here:
  9. Have we heard this story? I feel like we should, if not.
  10. If it makes you feel better, the team moved to a different park since the movie was filmed. Completely different atmosphere, but you can still visit the original. When Nuke gets called up, it should look familiar to (older) baseball fans on this site.
  11. There were 6 Evangelical colleges/universities within a short drive of that incident, and three more nearby if you cross state lines. When I attended one of those in the 80's/90's, there were still "sundown" towns in this part of central Indiana. You can wonder how powerful their Gospel was, or how dedicated their faculty, staff, and students were to preaching the good news and living a life that modeled Jesus if such a thing might happen nearby. Maybe they were too heavenly minded they were no earthly good. I, on the other hand, believe wholeheartedly that these violent acts of racism and the sectarian, seperatist educational institutions are but strange fruit growing from the same soil.
  12. Worth adding this, then: https://time.com/5836444/black-memorial-day/
  13. Whitney Houston needs to be on this list. If I ever meet Bobby Brown, I'm going to channel Wade Garrett on him for what he let happen to her.
  14. "Jesus came to free us from the Law... unless it gives me the ability to impose my beliefs on you, then game on."
  15. double post. Instead, here's a culturally relevant gif.
  16. But even then there are exemptions for health and religious reasons. The Ohio Bill seeks to do what many religiously motivated legislation attempts do- force everyone to play by their rules, under the guise of "individual freedom". And while I currently love sky cake, I'm also struck by the irony that many of these same folks are terrified by "sharia law" and so forth.
  17. Just curious... a person can say "I don't want other people making decisions about my body and health" and yet not believe that this should apply to women of childbearing age? (see how much fun this is!)
  18. You should have put Gregory and Silas right back in that time machine and sent them home to the mid 1800s where they belong.
  19. A fake twenty, you say... and there's kneeling involved? Dang.... why does that sound so familiar?
  20. Actually, it's worse than that. They gather at restaurants as a part of the Sabbath rest their belief system requires. So, it's both on purpose and in conflict with their Biblical teaching.
  21. This increases exponentially during the Sunday afternoon, post church lunch hour
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