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Everything posted by NWBuck

  1. Well, there are enough noods out there that creating one of these for Melania should be no problem: (or Ivanka... either way. RIP Lou Brown)
  2. SIAP- Stop Insulting Trump Voters and Their Concerns. Instead, Shut Up and Take It
  3. Sorry for the rant here, but as someone who lives in an area that's been under some sort of restrictions since February of 2020, I'm pretty burnt out. I can't even imagine what it's like for our amazing medical providers around the country. Our area got a grip on it early, and had numbers that were leveling off. Then other parts of the state/country decided to disregard things, and "hey, let's travel the country!" and we had another national spike in the winter months. Finally the vaccines arrive and things start to slowly improve and open up. But sure enough, the people who didn't care in the first place don't care now and we're getting another spike with a return to restrictions as a possibility. And the folks I talk to at our local hospitals or in the Department of Health all point to summer travel and tourism from places with lower vaccination levels as the fuel for the suddenness of what we're facing now. I know I'm not special... but I'm exhausted from completely reorganizing everything in my family/work/life out of consideration for people who have zero interest in doing the same for others. /rant
  4. Weekly, for about 6 years. It's a lovely vacation spot.
  5. Sounds like a regular Tuesday on the streets of Muncie, if we're being honest
  6. You say that like it's a bad thing... (totes kidding- so thankful for your work and wish obstinate ignorance wasn't making it more challenging)
  7. Full album is out: Dee Gees/ Hail Satin
  8. Today I learned that I've had Covid for 15 months... even before I got vaccinated.
  9. 1.86 times stuffed... not double.
  10. Sweet! Do y'all know how much work we can do for education and health care and infrastructure now that we don't have to pay 778 billion for military and stuff?
  11. CSB- that diner is a favorite breakfast spot when I've finished a huge morning hike /CSB
  12. Seriously. Everytime I hear that or even read it, it makes me... well... uh.... flinch.
  13. Well, there's a possible cure for that, and given the famous (false) rumor about Mr. Stewart's proclivities...
  14. Was out with a college buddy before google maps, and he's speeding to get to this girl's house where she and her roommates were making dinner for us. He misses a turn, and then takes the next right instead, but misses that the road he'd turned down was one way (and not the way he was driving). Cop lights us up ("Hey! It's just like Christmas!"), and we pull over. When he gets to our window, he says- "Did you know this was a one way street?" My buddy replies, deadpan- "But officer, I was only going one way." Cop started laughing so hard he just waved us on with a verbal warning. (and dinner was great. Buddy said his "dessert" was disappointing, but mine was exquisite. As was the late night snack and next day's breakfast)
  15. Not Barstool, but this is informative:
  16. Spitting fire: ... We talking about practice.
  17. Everyone else has been great doing all of this additional stuff in order to ensure that no one gets infected by assholes like me.
  18. Others have answered you, but I'll just add this: Remember the promise of "40 acres and a mule" to freed slaves? Well, the mule was added later (and never given), but the 40 acres came from Special Field Order 15, given by Sherman after meeting with black ministers and leaders in South Carolina. Of course Johnson gave all of the land back to the plantation owners as a part of his appeasement strategy for his fellow southerners.
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