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Josef Pwag

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Everything posted by Josef Pwag

  1. Save money and take him next season and get some decent seats.
  2. All of you are stupid. I know EXACTLY what is going to happen. MM starts against BYU and does okay, until he has a couple of turnovers late in the 2nd qtr. We go into halftime down by 3 - 7 points. Arch starts the 2nd half and plays like the love child of Joe Montana & Tom Brady. We win huge. The national media goes batshit.
  3. Wait a minute - BYU only beat Sam Houston by 14, in Provo? Jesus Christ. I think we could take 20 or so Surly posters and beat BYU (if Nicole is having a good day throwing the ball).
  4. Amen to that, sister. I think we beat TCU and Tech, and we lose to KSU and Iowa State. BYU is the great unknown. We need to win this weekend to finish the regular season with 9 wins and pray for a bowl victory to get us to 10 wins.
  5. I was originally pissed we wouldn't get to play their joke team with our powerhouse as we left the Big 12. Now, I am relieved we won't play them.
  6. You need to understand we will be fortunate to get to the conf title game. We will almost certainly be 10-2 at best for the regular season. Also, you want QE taking meaningful snaps against Tech to be ready for OU again.
  7. He is one of the biggest QBs I've ever seen and he is jacked like a Marvel superhero actor and, somehow, he strains a tendon if someone blinks too close to him.
  8. If you do a shot of tequila every time we pass to a stationary receiver behind the line of scrimmage against BYU, you will be dead before the Aflac trivia question.
  9. Liucci looks like he spent the last 48 hours in a dumpster at a truck stop.
  10. Is there any NIL for esports? I have a nephew who can barely speak, much less read & write, but he can rock people in Call of Duty: Warzone.
  11. I know you want this to be true. So do I. However, it isn't true. It won't make any difference.
  12. You guys are so cocky. I'll have you know UofH beat UTSA at home by 3 whole points. 3!
  13. We have 1 football title in the last half century. With our history before that, our resources & other advantages, when is it okay for us to complain about not winning titles? 5 more years? Ten years? Is there a conversion chart?
  14. Josef Pwag


    If we put Maalik in, we might actually score red zone TDs, which goes against Sark's offensive philosophy.
  15. We have played 1 team all year that had a legit QB, and we lost. We knew the Big 12 would be a shitshow this season and that was heightened by the tsunami of QB injuries that allowed us to play 3 garbage backup QBs in a row. We will get to 9 or 10 regular season wins but it doesn't mean our coaches are competent. This will become crystal clear next season.
  16. It is horrible in just about every game. Our first play at Houston on 10/21 will be a pass behind the line of scrimmage to a stationary receiver for a loss. You can bet your life on it.
  17. Josef Pwag


    I need to rewatch it, but I don't remember the DB moving much at all. He was sitting heavy on the route, like he knew exactly what was coming. Our initial scripted plays continue to be terrible.
  18. I do. Here is why.....I was scared of how we would adapt out game plan without the huge mismatch that Sanders provides. I thought we would become too predictable, too many runs up the gut, too many behind the LOS passes to stationary receivers. I thought it would start a spiral of errors and inefficiency. I feel guite confident with a healthy Sanders on the field.
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