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Everything posted by nbmishoid

  1. nbmishoid


    Nailed it. Thread over.
  2. This is Brandon prepping for the general. The Pubs can’t get to his left on climate change, and he won’t let them get to his right on the supply end of the transition project. He’s having to break some eggs. When the alternative is the beginning of the Pub autocracy, ….
  3. nbmishoid


    BC not being on this thread, one would have to interpret that as snark. Anyway, I’m trying for B_T level.
  4. nbmishoid


    My compassion is for the hundreds of thousands of our fellow citizens who are in this state of domestic impoverishment. The trip I recommended in Seattle I have taken many times, out of necessity. It has brought, for me, more real humanity to the picture. At the policy level, this problem has proved very difficult, for many reasons as discussed on this thread. One big impediment is lack of will on the part of the non-homeless citizenry to help out. But deaths due to homelessness are not even as visible as the pandemic deaths, and 35% of the population were/are hell bent to maximize that number. This consciously cruel perspective is hard to understand by those not afflicted.
  5. I will kill anyone who makes me change out the 36 or so HDMI connections, some fairly unreachable, in my house. To hell with that shit.
  6. nbmishoid


    But you do have a problem with expanding your perspective on this topic. Something your response indicates is as fearful for you as a rattlesnake.
  7. Given cloak room is chock full of former Republicans, you may need to soften that forever thing. Texans wanting to leave thread also speaks to some malleability in tribal commitment. But, yea, I dig it, too.
  8. nbmishoid


    Yes, Jackson would be a good neighborhood for starts. Climb the hill to Swedish and see how many homeless are encountered per block.
  9. nbmishoid


    Some one brought up San Antonio with Lackland and Ft Sam. Add Fts Bliss and Hood and you have to wonder what the USA. would do. Maybe what they have always done, and say it’s federal property of the USA and local rules don’t apply. Try and argue.
  10. 1968, I think, and LBJ comes to rat warren Killeen, of all places, to dedicate the new JC there (CTC). My eldest sister and her HS civics class went out to ogle. Somehow she got her hand out and as he came by he shook it and said “how are you doing, darling?” As if he were Willie.
  11. Been a long time since I could reference this song on these boards, John Hiatt’s Buffalo River Home. Only two things in life, but I forget what they are Its either hangin’ on a moonbeam’s coattails Or wishing on a star
  12. Was a Buffet fan, pretty sure I learned “ Come Monday”. Yikes. Fast forward 35 years at my retirement when one of the venues was a Buffet show at the Woodlands. Anyway, the more the show went on the more tired of it we, the wife and I, became. First to leave my retirement party, as it should be.
  13. Never having been cool in the first place renders this dilemma moot. I guess that’s “mute” hereabouts.
  14. If the latter happens, the shame of being an American will, of course, have the opposite effect to our politics as it should.
  15. I am not believing I ever laughed at, shared, or otherwise endorsed his cartoons. Something has gone awry in his head.
  16. nbmishoid


    If it ain’t no big thing, Ana, then let the sports leagues experts and those responsible make the calls. Nothing on earth, outside of the culinary arts, will satisfy you. So why bang your head against it?
  17. nbmishoid


    I was talking to my son after this game, also a UT grad, and he said he’d never experienced a UT-OU game or outcome like that. I countered perhaps no one alive had. At least in terms of emotional satisfaction. Very nice to find oneself in a conversation about this game. We can take this to our graves, but, being us, I hope for just a bit more. Another time or two, thanks.
  18. nbmishoid


    Fatty come on up to Seattle, live homeless, say, up on first hill, for a couple of weeks, then give us your oral report.
  19. Ivar’s shelves? We’re they made of clams?
  20. Yola - nah, same rule applies. Even there. Especially there.🤮
  21. Really a dearth of actionable ideas. Here is the one we here simply assume: We will ride this out in our better or much better jobs and our better and much better domestic arrangements. I do have doubts as to whether this will work. And it does accept the reality of the mass suffering of those outside this description. Shameful enough as this assumed plan is at the personal level, at the society level it might just be disastrous for all.
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