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Colonel Sanders

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Everything posted by Colonel Sanders

  1. This may be somewhat controversial but I'm going 1, 3, 5, 2, 4 Also, Hook'em Max and welcome to the 40!
  2. I think there was some speculation a couple of weeks ago that their liberal accounting practices might hurt their inclusion. Tuesday should be fun.
  3. I should have shorted yesterday.
  4. It doesn't happen very often, but every once in a while I thank god my kids are still toddlers.
  5. Is this really how he writes? It seems like this guy is highly regarded.
  6. It's up 70% in premarket. Crazy shit.
  7. On red days the printer seems to get hot right about now.
  8. Seems like anything travel/leisure is getting killed too.
  9. Seems like the thread title is finally appropriate again. Is this the beginning of the dead cat dying or just a small selloff after the last couple of weeks' craziness?
  10. Nasdaq could hit them this week, less than 2% to go.
  11. So this is probably a dumb question, but what is the ultimate design of this policy? If it's political, which it's not supposed to be, prop up the markets long enough for the elections? Even now some of these P/E ratios are becoming obscene, I can't imagine what they will be if the markets remain this high for Q2 earnings. So I can't see a scenario where this doesn't end in a massive sell off regardless of Fed actions prior to November. Maybe it was originally a fake it to you make it, hoping for a vaccine or something, but I can't see that now. Maybe I'm missing something.
  12. Is it put out anywhere when the fed is about to or just has increased liquidity or bond purchases, or is it just assumed when the market is tanking and miraculously reverses it was due to fed action?
  13. Or AAPL. It's now trading over $9 higher than it was on New year's eve. Same with HD. They need to start to cut down on the brrrr machine. These valuations are getting out of hand.
  14. Could you buy a couple of shares of LVS? Thanks in advance.
  15. Doing the right thing is at the core of the business philosophy at Blue Bell Creameries, from using only the highest quality ingredients in their famous frozen desserts, to keeping carton sizes at a half-gallon in the face of downsizing and cost cutting by virtually every other major ice cream manufacturer in the country. Part of that philosophy also involves giving back to the people and organizations that have made Blue Bell a success. Recently, Blue Bell CEO and President Paul Kruse ’77 announced that he and the company would jointly support another Texas icon: Texas A&M University. The gift of $500,000, matched by funds from Peggy and Lowry Mays ’57, will establish the Blue Bell Creameries Chair in Business at A&M’s Mays Business School in the total amount of $1 million https://mays.tamu.edu/news/tag/paul-kruse/ I guess doing the right thing doesn't include telling people that your product could kill them. Never lie, cheat, steal...
  16. TSLA closing in on 900 again after earnings. Market cap is almost 5 times GM's. Makes sense.
  17. It's tough when you think you're right about where the market is headed and every day you wake up to green futures. There are so many valuations that defy logic but they keep going up. I guess I'm just angry at this point that I didn't go all in after March lows. I should have known better.
  18. With the markets doing so well, why not raise interest rates?
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