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Everything posted by crash_davis

  1. If I wanted to be reminded of past horrors, I would start a fight with my wife.
  2. I was told Surly is a Kink Shame-free safe place.
  3. Did Elko recruit much when he was DC for aggy? I thought I read that he didn't do much recruiting. Maybe Jimbo was trying to hide him. I just don't see him resonating in any way with recruits. I'd like to see his close record starting from this year. I bet it will suck. Plus he looks like the type of person who would take a giant shit in a recruit's home. Those were fun times.
  4. Who here hasn't gotten lost to the melodic trance the Bee Gees and pulled in front of an oncoming motorcycle? https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/comments/18hbslr/she_just_kept_driving_like_nothing_happened_sorry
  5. ...especially the dipshit aggy wannabes who went to the University of Texas. You dumbfucks know who you are.
  6. Seems to be a theme. Asshole Republicans leading the culture war are trying to overcompensate for being scumbags.
  7. Fuckheads pandering to their deplorable base.
  8. I used to be a huge Marvel fan boy. Then their products just became shit. I didn't finish She Hulk. Never finished Marvel girl or whatever that series was. Unfortunately watched every stupid fucking episode of Nick Fury shit. Haven't watched any of the Loki 2. No desire to watch The Marvels. This whole multiverse thing has lost me. At this point, I'm going to heed my lesson learned from GoT. I am not watching anymore Marvel shit until the entire thing is resolved and read the reviews to see if going back to watch shit is worth my time. Life's too short to watch shitty TV.
  9. Seriously. Fuck you if you would still vote for this piece of shit. You are what's wrong with this country.
  10. Basically, how much money will it take a person to accept being labeled a traitorous asshole in the sport he is playing? If I have kids and am offered the opportunity to get enough money instantly that they and their grandkids are very well off, I'm taking the money, going through the motions, and disappearing from the limelight. Public opinions don't feed or guarantee the future of my family.
  11. Women in my friend and acquaintance groups, old and young, are talking about this. It's pissing them off. I've already stated numerous times that my daughters have left or will be leaving Texas. Most of their female friends have or are planning to after graduation from UTexas. The ones with family aren't moving but the younger smart ones who can will be moving. When my family and I are moved from this state, I will be an extremely happy man. Fuck this state leadership. Fuck the assholes who keep voting them in power. And these dumb as fuck younger dudes wonder why younger women don't want to date MAGAt dudes.
  12. I'm sure ATM is loving that this asswipe is implying that they are violating NIL rules. Maybe he'll get another hand slap from them. The insecure mental midget cannot help himself.
  13. Not sure if any of this is true. But it's pretty damn specific. Everyone is guessing it's Ian Poulter.
  14. I guess he found out what it's like to be in the 60 cm bite area.
  15. Those dumb motherfuckers are closet aggy. Actually, I'm going to start addressing those dipshits as aggy. There's no difference.
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