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Everything posted by crash_davis

  1. Ida posted this on the Communism, Fuck Yeah thread but they don't have badasses shooting guns at a wedding to silence a crowd. Only pussies would politely ask a crowd to be quiet down.
  2. This time, with Texas connection. Why the fuck would anyone think it's a good idea to fire a gun, even with blanks, at a wedding? Was he trying to show how badass he was? https://www.klkntv.com/man-accidentally-shot-child-while-officiating-wedding-near-lincoln-deputy-says/ LINCOLN, Neb. (KLKN) – A Texas man accidentally shot a child while officiating a wedding in Lancaster County on Saturday, the sheriff’s office says. Chief Deputy Ben Houchin said deputies were sent to a wedding at Hillside Events near Denton on a report of a gunshot wound. Deputies learned that 62-year-old Michael Gardner, the wedding’s officiant, fired a gun to get everyone’s attention. “He was going to fire in the air, and as he did that, it slipped and went off,” Houchin said. The gun was loaded with a blank that Gardner made with gunpowder and glue. Houchin said Gardner accidentally shot a child in the shoulder. They were taken to a hospital with injuries that were not life-threatening. On Monday, Gardner turned himself in. He was arrested on suspicion of felony child abuse. “It’s just kind of neglectful to take a gun out that has blanks and fire amongst people,” Houchin said.
  3. I would think Stankey was coming regardless of what Yormark was doing. Stankey is playing chess and showing his support for his 2 newest schools. Yormark has no leverage and couldn't win either way. If he attended the game, other B12 schools would bitch and wonder why he's supporting 2 exiting teams. If he doesn't go, everyone is going to wonder why he didn't attend the marquee match-up of the 2 ranked B12 schools. Fuck him regardless.
  4. I think the Kansas players are going to die from the heat and humidity. Advantage aggy.
  5. This morning in Austin, I teed off at 7:20am, walked 18 holes, and sweated my ass off. It's so fucking humid, and hot. Fuck this shit. I decided to work remote starting tomorrow through next weekend. Looking at places in Colorado to get away from this bullshit.
  6. Liberal arts degrees were fine when you had plenty of jobs to fill. I have a English major friend who decades ago was hired by IBM be a programmer. The thinking was that if they could write, they could code. 3-4 decades ago, a Liberal Arts degree didn't hurt you much. Now, aint no tech company hiring English majors to be programmers. Companies are hiring specific to their degrees.
  7. All I thought of watching that film was Tristan Nickelson. Take that as you may. Maybe Flood loves projects.
  8. So......does this buy Jimbo another year? Oh wait, he's not going anywhere cause he's guaranteed eleventy billion dollars anyway. He's got 3 more years regardless of how shitty he continues to be. It would be aggy for Jimbo to win barely enough (a NYs day bowl) next year that they give him another 5 year $80M guaranteed contract. You know, cause it takes 15 years to build a program.
  9. Maybe it's all in my head but I thought I remembered reading that Weigman's parents disliked Jimbo and were looking for him to transfer after last season. If that is the case, I don't see how Weigman stays after this year. There's a certain program in Tuscaloosa who is looking for a transfer QB.
  10. IMO a comp science grad from UTSA is going to have a much better chance of landing a decent to good salaried job out of college than an English major from UT Austin. Schools matter but majors matter more, if your goal is to find gainful employment out of college.
  11. It's only fraud if you get caught.
  12. UT has a changed a shitton since when we were there. The way they teach is drastically different. My kids seem to know way the fuck more shit than I did when I graduated.
  13. Thanks but she will be a UT McCombs grad, not a Tx St grad.
  14. Cruz is doling out lessons. Physics lesson: here's an example of mass and inertia. Life lesson: here's what happens when you get in a tangle with a man who outweighs you by 80 pounds.
  15. My conversation with my daughter when she was considering being a teacher. Me: Teaching is a noble profession. But, let me ask you a few questions. Do you like having all these nice clothes? Her: Yes Me: Do you like going on vacations to nice places and staying in nice resorts? Her: Yes Me: Do you like eating sushi a few times a month? Her: Yes Me: Well, you're not doing any of that on a teacher's salary. Her: (light bulb moment!)
  16. The real question is does he look like a dude who would hang out in boys restrooms to get the scoop?
  17. Still viewed as such. For her out of state schools, my niece in Cali has UDub first because it's got better academics and UO as a safety party school with somewhat reputable academics.
  18. I've said this before. Parents and kids need to approach college tuition as an investment and choose a major which gives them a return, hopefully a nice return, for their money. IMO, it makes no fucking sense to spend $100k-$300k to graduate with an English or Art History degree where the starting salary and lifetime earnings potential is more limited than other degrees. 22 year old college grad may love the idea of being an art critic or a teacher. 40 year old college graduate trying to navigate retirement, home ownership, putting food on the table, maybe taking an annual vacation or 2, saving for wedding expenses and college tuition for the 2.1 kids is going to hate the realization of a teacher's salary. Money doesn't buy happiness...but it sure can reduce the stresses in the 2nd half of your life. And people who say money can't buy happiness are the ones with money. Poor parents never believe that bullshit.
  19. As on Olineman, I love how you can't hold a player but if you knock his ass down, you can fly off the top tight rope and land on him to make sure he stays down.
  20. Sounds like the kid is maybe trying to find reasons to stay close to home. That's fine, kid. Shit or get off the pot so that everyone can move on accordingly. Quit being an idiot.
  21. UC schools, especially UCLA pissed off their lege by admitting so many Int'l studies because of the extra $$$. Basically the UC schools were mandated to start prioritizing in-state students over out of state and Int'l applicants. From that, I know UC Davis basically didn't admit anyone not from Cali. Other schools severely limited their non-CA acceptance. At least that was a few years ago. Not sure if that's changed.
  22. Those OOS tuitions are mostly on par with OOS tuitions of most any other state school with comparable academic rankings. There's a reason some of the SEC universities' OOS tuition for Texas is so cheap.
  23. Lulz at people shitting on the UC "satellite schools." Almost the whole UC system is in the Public Ivies list. UT System can only dream of having its system schools be half as reputable. College of William and Mary (Williamsburg, VA) Miami University (Oxford, OH) University of California system: UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UCLA UC Riverside UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz University of Michigan (Ann Arbor) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill University of Texas at Austin University of Vermont (Burlington) University of Virginia (Charlottesville)
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