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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by CycleTex87

  1. Female shooter dead, child shot, in critical condition.
  2. CycleTex87

    Getting old sucks

    Stay with us good sir!
  3. Funny that Altuve’s first home run as an Astro was an inside the park shot where he ran through the stop sign at third.
  4. Appreciate these posts @Ghost of LL. I remember talking to an aerospace engineering buddy of mine when we were in school in the 80's: It's more thermally efficient to accelerate a lot of air a little bit than to accelerate a little bit of air a whole lot. So high bypass engines were/are the wave of the future. I remember seeing the 777 for the first time and marveling at the large diameter of the engines relative to the diameter of the fuselage. Now it's commonplace to see those on all airliners. Those CFM engines on the 737Max are crazy looking.
  5. Any opinion on Todd Snyder jeans? Other preferred jeans brand on a higher plane than Levi's? Looking to up my jeans game.
  6. ^^95% of homes in Houston are built this way.
  7. Jimbaround: “I was told there would be no math”
  8. I had this same experience in Venezuela regarding the “street” exchange rate. Also, don’t know if this is the case in Argentina but in some African countries a crisp brand new $100 bill brought a better exchange rate than any other denomination. Don’t bring old wrinkly notes.
  9. A buddy of mine broke his ankle falling off a set of rollers. They take some getting used to and skill. Never tried it myself.
  10. I've ridden on the road in traffic for 30+ years. You have to act like a car, pay careful attention to what the cars are doing around you, and yes, to turn left, check over your left shoulder, and when it's clear, move to the left turn lane.
  11. Well that sucks. Looks like Chinese batteries put it out. Is there any vehicle in the US that qualifies for the full $7500? Still like the Mach E though.
  12. Anybody have first hand experience with the Ford Mach E (electric Mustang crossover)? Thinking about this for my wife’s next vehicle now that the kids are gone. She just drives around suburban Houston and almost never more than 20-30 miles a day. I’m looking for the utility of a straight electric. Don’t like Elon and all his shenanigans, so am not seriously looking at Tesla. Like the idea of the federal rebate. Pros/cons? Seems like an electric fits our mission.
  13. Man, that's not funny and all. Can't imagine drinking a whole "box" of Black Box in one day. The headache the next morning can only be cured by more Black Box. Sorry for that, and the kids' experience.
  14. Ought to go over well.
  15. Old school hub and bulletproof wheel. Work of art really.
  16. FIFY: 83 was an aggy ass whipping. Rick McIvor holla.
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