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safe sex

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by safe sex

  1. Flabbergasted by this. This reads to me like you're saying you'd rather us abandon our society based on the rule of law? Do you consider yourself an anarchist?
  2. I have a degree in linguistics and can't ever recall having a specific term for someone who can instantaneously move between languages in a sentence. Code-switching is the term I'm aware of that probably comes closest. Even though in America it usually refers someone changing their dialect depending on social context, it also applies to using more than one language within a singular discourse (sentence, conversation, whatever) 🤷‍♀️
  3. The new Strands puzzle is top tier imo
  4. Wear a fucking glove!
  5. Smh, #1 rule being broken right away
  6. Just a few rules to keep straight. Fisting is not rocket science
  7. Maybe it's time I get a new job. Totally read that as "fisting is complicated..."
  8. Somebody isn't everybody.
  9. I think your stance is admirable and one I largely agree with. But the only dickholes speaking in tongues now are Trumpvangelicals and those adjacent to them. It's such obvious claptrap and hokum that is used to further the brainwashing of their adherents and the oppression of their perceived enemies. I would similarly call out any other nonsense that was filmed in a government building shortly before the rights of citizens were endangered or removed altogether
  10. I'm sure it's all very above board
  11. You'll notice that when people do speak in tongues, they always (at least English speakers—the only group of tongue-speakers with which I've had interaction) use phonemes that are comprised of Baby's First Vocalizations. Because it's just gibberish, it's hard to improvise sounds that aren't in your native language. No English speaker of tongues is getting real Semitic phonemes out there. Just lots of "sha na na" and "manahaba" like shit. No complex diphthongs or consonant clusters. No uvular fricatives, voiced implosives, or clicks. Just basic baby bitch English nonsense
  12. Praying is real in that we can measure changes that go on in people's brains while they do it. It def activates other areas that regular speech alone does not. Same with singing. That's why both of those things can and often do completely eliminate a stutter while they are ongoing.
  13. Well, yeah, speaking in tongues is literally just making up sounds. Of course he didnt stutter. Stuttering encompasses actual language, which requires a lot more of your brain to process.
  14. That was my first thought hahaha
  15. Driving those CAM-ICU scores up smh..
  16. I hate Roseanne as much as the next person, but this thread could really do without the whole "well who would want to rape Roseanne anyway?" bit. That's right out of Trump's playbook.
  17. I'm hopeful that Deadpool and Wolverine delivers, but the director being a "Ryan Reynolds guy" gives me pause.
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