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safe sex

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by safe sex

  1. Agreed, casting could have been better. And Efron was like...fine I guess? I was surprised at the amount of praise he got. Best acting in the movie by far was Holt McCallany as Fritz. Has anyone else itt listened to The Lapsed Fan's multi-multi-part series The Lamentable Tragedy of World Class Championship Wrestling? Apparently McCallany used that as the bulk of his research for his role as Fritz.
  2. I don't really think there's any qualitative comparison to be made between either Dune film and Civil War. Dramatically different in almost every single way, philosophically and aesthetically. If you're a fan of movies, you should see both.
  3. That makes less sense than most of the shit that comes out of his syphilitic mind.
  4. Forget it, Jake; it's Chrispy
  5. Not to mention that it's constitutionally mandated, which Republicans pay a lot of lip service to caring about
  6. I think it's time to let it go, Doc
  7. Imagine thinking that most people don't use USPS
  8. 'Member when his New Year's resolution was to not post in CR? That was nice while it lasted.
  9. Lmao @Rimbo yes, I'm serious. There is no way he gets arrested the first time he doesn't show up. That's not how things work for our Our Donald
  10. I can't wait for him to not show up and reveal the arrest threat to be toothless
  11. Therapy leads to knife violence?
  12. I want to know if he's going to screen Civil War or not.
  13. I would disagree about calling it a love poem. But it does have a lot of feelings about war reporters. If this is indeed Garland's last film, he went out with one of his best. In many ways dramatically different from the rest of his filmography, but in the ways that really count, it's all too terrifying. Last third of the film was masterful directing.
  14. Some men will do anything to not go to therapy
  15. I have no faith left in Texas voters.
  16. It's not quite as red as Texas, because the voters of Ohio have protected abortion rights at the ballot box very recently.
  17. I am fucking stoked to be on that list lmao. You losers care about meaningless internet points way too much; it's fucking pathetic. My only regret is that I'm not #1.
  18. Chrispy wasn't banned after the Derka thread after all?
  19. I feel like if Jeffries were to become Speaker, the Republicans would renege and vote against anything brought up to the floor. Why not? Then you can blame the Democrats. They just went full Marxist, so they had to break the deal.
  20. Read the article and find out. It's worth your time
  21. Seeing it tomorrow afternoon. I hated the trailer but the reviews and my general appreciation of most of Garland's ouevre got me in the end
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