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safe sex

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by safe sex

  1. Enjoyed this one a lot, and I'd say it's probably one of the top 5 Arthurian adaptations that have been put to screen, even with its differences. Wish the pandemic hadn't destroyed its life at the box office. Not that it was ever going to set records, but I feel like it could've made more money than it did (tho it did make a profit!)
  2. He offered it months ago, like right after the law first went into effect. You just had to message him. I've had SurlyVPN since then. Great ease of use.
  3. They probably have a policy of allowing people to use the bathroom that best matches their gender identity. Just a guess. I have no idea because idgaf what chuds have a problem with
  4. Lmao, add it to the list. Still waiting for him to get in trouble for violating gag orders
  5. To say he hasn't done much harm is fucking ridiculous
  6. All of Errol Morris's ouevre is top tier, with special mentions for The Thin Blue Line (the Documentary Now! spoof is essential after you've seen this), Gates of Heaven, The Fog of War, and The Unknown Known
  7. Maybe the OG crispers, but those don't exist anymore Chili's chips, salsa, and baby diarrhea "queso" until I dieeeeeeee
  8. Where's the lie??
  9. Seems like a judge that doesn't have a good support staff around her and has made several really questionable decisions would be a great candidate for reassignment
  10. Ugh this show continues to be everything I wanted and needed from a new X-men series. So fucking good. Thus far, no real notes.
  11. Just look up how many children in the Texas foster care system die every year or experience sexual abuse.
  12. This is why you shouldn't engage with obvious racist bullshit and bait.
  13. Please consider donating some packs. Texas women desperately need access to birth control.
  14. Apart from the obvious issue of taking medications that are prescribed for you by a doctor: Should the state take away a woman's child because she made a mistake and smoked a little weed to calm down her anxiety? Many of your mothers probably drank alcohol and smoked cigarettes while pregnant with you. Should you have been taken from them? Were you being abused? What if someone gave her an edible and didn't tell her what was in it? Should that be investigated by CPS? Or maybe just the hospital, which is already shit hospitals/clinics do, and then they can make the appropriate decision.
  15. Btw, I'll note that Molly Farrar is a writer for Boston.com, so her article is probably like just fine. But this racist piece of trash can't even be bothered to read the article Chaya Raichik posted an image of.
  16. Please engage guys, please don't just neg. You gotta engage with my lazy racist trash opinions and thoughts because if you don't take what I have to say seriously then you are the one who is in the wrong haha!
  17. An actual article from an actual newspaper from actual city in Massachusetts, Boston: Mass General Brigham to stop filing neglect reports solely because a baby is born with drugs in its system Go fuck yourself, you lazy bigot who can't be bothered to take ten minutes to look for an actual source about the issue, read, and process it. You're a fucking racist is my problem with you.
  18. Statement from President Joe Biden on Easter Remarks by President Biden and First Lady Jill Biden at the 2024 White House Easter Egg Roll | Blue Room Balcony Emphasis mine. It took me longer to format this post than it did for me to find these remarks.
  19. No longer notify != No longer automatically notify
  20. "Gee whiz, guys, I just don't think it's fair to compare Trump to Hitler."
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