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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by hookem2010

  1. There was some additional land set aside in Texas recently, too. https://www.kcbd.com/2024/04/16/biden-administration-announces-texas-wildlife-refuge-expansions/
  2. I hope I can find an area team in Round Rock a couple years from now. They were great, cheap swim lessons as a kid and I always loved the meets.
  3. We already had new counters and backsplash installed last year. Thought we could live without the cabinet update but they made everything still look dated
  4. Sanding actually going faster than expected. Just have the little peninsula left to do. And all the shelves, lower doors and drawers. And painting. But at least my kitchen will be back to semi-functional, if empty, soon enough.
  5. That episode kicked ass. I really spoiled myself watching it and the final 2 episodes of Fargo S5 in a 24 hour span.
  6. Eh, it's doing the job so far. I'm sure I'll have no issues keeping it in place when my toddler gets home.
  7. I wish i enjoyed this shit. I feel like I just built myself a prison cell for the next few weeks.
  8. I've thought about it, but I think we're OK in that regard. Again, in a number of settings, he will interact perfectly normally. He just seems to be very shy and is also hitting peak tantrum right now. A month ago, he didn't act this way.
  9. It doesn't seem to be attention-seeking. Usually happens immediately upon entering an environment he's not feeling or as soon as people come into his space. Worst around a dinner table for some reason, I guess if he feels stuck in one spot near other people. I think he is just painfully shy, but he makes it pretty painful for everyone around him.
  10. Anyone deal with their very little ones having social anxiety resulting in crazy tantrums? Our 22 month-old goes to daycare and does just fine. He can go play at a crowded park and is OK. He can go out to eat with just us or fly on a plane. But if we go out to eat with other people where there is any extended interaction with someone else, or have people over that he isn't very familiar with, it's meltdown city. Screaming, crying, arching his back, smacking his head on the ground. He is developing language just fine. He can interact appropriately with kids at daycare, or the caregivers there, or us. But throw him in a room with anyone who isn't family or daycare, and he loses his shit. It's get super frustrating.
  11. That is an epic cross-racial doppelganger.
  12. Spring migration is finally underway and should be peaking in about 3 weeks here in central Texas. A few good things pushed down by the storms yesterday, including several hundred Franklin's gulls, and these long-billed dowitchers. An eastern screech owl also recently cooperated as I fumbled to get my phone to my bins for pictures.
  13. Clouds cleared up about 15 minutes before totality in 78665. Then, right before totality, a big, thick cloud rolled in for 3 minutes. Not cool
  14. The thought has crossed my mind. They have at least wised up enough to not verbalize the stupid shit I was hearing from them from 2016-2020.
  15. This is where I've been at with my parents for the last 2 years. One the one hand, we're about to have 2 kids under 3 and could really use some help. On the other hand, I feel my blood boiling when the people they support continue to do things to jeopardize the future of their grandkids. I did see a Nikki Haley mailer on their table though, so perhaps approaching the subject to see if there is any hope of AT LEAST getting them to fully leave MAGA Land behind would be a worthwhile exercise.
  16. Is Israel trying to completely get rid of all the goodwill and sympathy built up immediately following the Hamas attacks? Because they're doing a pretty good job of it.
  17. The off-season really was the best part of Texas football for over a decade, until last season. It feels strange to be able to tune out for a while, knowing the actual games are going to be far more enjoyable than any spring/summer nonsense.
  18. For those who went with kids, how old were they? I've got a 2 year-old and another on the way, so I know it won't be anytime soon, but I'd like to go while wildlife is still a thing that exists.
  19. What is this cartel stuff? I always see you alluding to it, but I don't know if you ever laid out the connection. Is he somehow our states' most loathsome political figure? There are soooo many to choose from, hard to pick just one.
  20. So we're going to beat Georgia 3 times next year is what I'm getting from spring practice reports.
  21. Haidt was on hidden brain today. I only caught a little bit of it, but sounded like a good interview. He talked about how college kids were asked how much they would have to be paid to quit social media for a month, with an average response being something like $50. When asked what if we got everyone else on your school off social media at the same time, they said they would pay to quit, along with everyone else.
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