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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hefeweizen

  1. Ibrx laughs as it gurgles blood.
  2. Same except civil. Who am I kidding, I’m too dumb for thermodynamics.
  3. That’s fantastic. Especially dragging they’re nuts with Pooh bear.
  4. Not sure that it’s not obvious to anyone watching, but Russia is never settling for peace with Ukraine while Putin is alive. He can’t afford to end the war without total victory. If anyone thinks there’s an off ramp they are deluding themselves. These most recent acts by Russia internally show that without a doubt. And I’m definitely more worried about the US commitment than the Eurozone, which is a complete flip from as little as six months ago. The euros finally figured out what the Baltics and Poland had been telling them. Credit to the UK which has been on the forefront of this all along.
  5. Irreparable is moving goalposts, but sure I’ll play along. No paychecks for active duty military, no economic data reporting, additional fodder for credit agencies who worry about debt, spending, and lack of will to tackle either… But I think it’s a fun time for the let it all burn folks.
  6. Until it isn’t. But nonchalance toward dysfunction is exactly what begets black swans.
  7. Let’s hope the chamber is empty again. What could possibly go wrong?
  8. Newsome hopefully does better with this pick than with Harris’ replacement. Regardless of Feinsteins decline, and it was precipitous, she was a pretty powerful voice for California. Going from two leading senators to two lightweights would not be ideal.
  9. Yeah the sucking sound right now is getting louder. Between rates, shutdown, and price pressure it’s a perfect shitstorm coming.
  10. I’m ready for Sark to unload on Baylor now. Let’s crush them.
  11. That’s a nice thing to say to a bitch made little pussy.
  12. Shit, I am still on a XR, and really don’t have a need to upgrade, but I’m cheap and an old. What is the main reason outside of storage and picture quality?
  13. Furk I’ve turned into an old. I don’t use TikTok and have to admit I really didn’t pay attention very closely to that video. I’ll shamble off in shame now.
  14. Wouldn’t have watched this but for the recommendation but it was great. Bill Nighy has always been fantastic in anything he’s been in, and the length was spot on. Thanks for the suggestion. It does make you think of legacy in a slightly different way.
  15. Out of curiosity, how many states do we have representing on surly now? A lot of Colorado and SoCal folks from what I’ve seen, plus I know we have a few New Mexico and NY people. Some very close friends of mine just sold their house in Westlake and are moving to Rhode Island. Beautiful place but not my kind of place, way too crowded. When we visited Yale and Brown (now that is a weird school) I thought Providence was beautiful. One friend of mine will never move out of Texas due to family and his wife’s work, but all my other friends are looking for exits. It’s crazy.
  16. It’s kind of interesting being alone when my wife and son are gone in college visits. It’s a little bit of a preview of empty nest time. I am planning on working about half time and volunteering a couple of days a week, and my wife is going back to work part time and continuing to volunteer (different organizations). I enjoy being alone and being able to do what I want but I think personal interaction is absolutely necessary for people. I force myself to get it regardless.
  17. Not a real surprise but I’m here for the R civil war. Paxton is the new, crooked, shameless version. I suspect he’s actually what most Texas voters want. That’s the sad statement but I believe it.
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