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Everything posted by zork

  1. https://www.breitbart.com/sports/2020/06/02/aoc-slams-redskins-on-blackouttuesday-want-to-stand-for-racial-justice-change-your-name/
  2. Here is the gruesome video showing three officers holding him down, don't have audio on unless you want to hear some of his last words/pleadings.
  3. Minnesota Governor: Democrat Minnesota Senators: Democrat and Democrat Minnesota members of the US House of Representatives: Democrat, Democrat, Democrat, Democrat, Democrat, Republican Mayor of Minneapolis: Democrat Mayor of St Paul: Democrat Minnesota State House: Democrat majority Minnesota State Senate: Republican majority Yep, this is on Trump.
  4. Got any pics of your dying aunt, this thread is hard to fap to in hea. But seriously, I have never seen a cop put his/her knee on a citizen's neck like what happened in the case being rioted over. As some have mentioned there have been cases where you see what happened before the cop does wrong and you can see why the cop might have reacted the way they did. This case is as clear as can be that the cop was wrong. And at minimum the 4 cops involved have lost their jobs because of it. If there ever was a case for charges to be brought against a cop, at minimum negligent homicide, this seems to be it. Should also be a training video on how not to be a cop. As one poster said in another thread that the training they received said never lean on the neck, kidney, or one other body spot I can't recall. Does Minnesota have limits on what they can prosecute on wrt stealing from a store?
  5. pickup and dropoff in newark(of course you have to get there and back): https://www.kayak.com/Cheap-Newark-Car-Rentals.8252.cars.ksp Be sure they are unlimited miles and bada bing bada boom. /Jersey
  6. https://www.samsclub.com/p/bakers-chefs-commercial-cutting-board-15-x-20/126035 I prefer this style since the wood types, like wooden spoons, soak up the soap in the dishwasher and become germ magnets if you aren't careful washing by hand. We have a few different sizes of similar types and they seem to be fine.
  7. Their kindle products for kids with the parental controls and access to tons of books and apps in the kindle-verse, and into the public library-verse, public school library-verse, is dang solid. The parental controls let you set hours and also age ranges of their offerings. The prices are going up on them compared to when they were almost giving them away years ago. Still seem to be worth it.
  8. Just a couple thoughts from a state park annual pass holder. State parks have bathrooms, water, electricity hookups. So when we use our small camper at a state park we don't use water or propane inside our setup that trip. It makes it way easy to clean up. No gray or black water to deal with. But you do have to know where the bathroom is and make walks over sometimes at random times of the day/night.(we have 2 kids now 12 and 10) We keep a trash bag for doing dishes and then do them all at once if needed or just wait till we get home. Prepare some of your meals, before you go and freeze them. We use coolers with frozen 2 liter bottles in the corners. If in peak summer we bring a cooler of just frozen 2 liter bottles(filled about 5/6 of the way before freezing). To supplement as the week goes by. Your long excursion may not work with these ideas but maybe you or someone else can gain utility from them. Also, we love the use of our awning with a zipper screen all around that connects to it. It is like having an extra 8' x 20' room. We use that room for cooking(all electric) and as an entryway that we put a tarp down as the floor. Easier to keep dirt/mud out of the main cabin having the outdoor room. with floor mats before entry to canopy, before entry to cabin, but you still need to sweep it out anyway. Of course if you go to national parks they don't generally have the power nor the water hookups. Looks like you have a sweet setup and are ready for some great adventures to keep the kids entertained through the existing and coming turmoil. Good luck.
  9. the analysis of the restaurant where one person infected many indicated that there were two tables away from the a/c vents that weren't affected while all the other tables adjacent or on the vents were.(if I read it correctly) What type of filtration, or other strong UV perhaps, would limit the spread in a restaurant or even, possibly, an office setting.
  10. for those who are interested in the inside baseball of Mueller's testimony, here is a release of some documents: Pages of note in my skimming of the pages this morning: 25-30 official subpoena of Mueller to attend bottom of page 50-51, this discusses, If I read it right, the limitations Mueller was expected to follow 57-58 concerning leak to press about what they are discussing re: Mueller testimony 88-90 Schiff last minute plea to Mueller concerning his scope of responses, etc government pdf of the FOIA release: https://www.justice.gov/oip/foia-library/general_topics/robert_mueller_testimony_05_19_20/download
  11. Hey Hey Hey, This site loves cretins. Especially making fun of fat asses. Double standard?
  12. "Just do more loans". Yep, that will do son, that will do. Good luck to you Wulaw.
  13. Spiro, IIRC, was the owner of the Guadalupe location near the Woo in the early 80's. He was a large Greek dude. Was sad to see it go away but he sold it and then the lease became a difficult thing was the rumor. Never made it to the locations described in the OP. RIP nevertheless.
  14. I, for one, am shocked zork frequents texags. Their politics board gives a different perspective than here. If it isn't pro Democrat it mostly isn't posted here. BTW, I'm not trying to change that or anyone. I haven't signed up over there nor do I plan on it. Also, of note, their real estate board generally has good perspective and much higher volume of posts on the topic than the few all encompassing threads here(observation over time, not a criticism). The rest, if I read any of it, is mostly schadenfreude.
  15. from the texags abbot thread: youth sports govt pdf: https://gov.texas.gov/uploads/files/organization/opentexas/OpenTexas-Checklist-Youth-Sports-Operators.pdf general link to openings policy for Texas: https://gov.texas.gov/organization/opentexas
  16. This is most computer specific, not just HP, advice for that type of situation to more quickly get you going but not be all end all: If your computer ever locks or is in a stasis like you describe you can hold the power button down steady for about 8-12 seconds and it will shut down so you can restart it. Not a great answer but possibly a functional one when you are just trying to get going again. It won't save any work you had open but since it is locked you weren't likely to save anything anyway.
  17. I read it, all of it.gif. Of course there are and were caveats in the footnotes. Nobody is disputing that. I was comparing, mainly, Texas this year vs Texas on an expected deaths rate from 2017-2019 as footnote "2" mentions: That was the assumption I used in my reporting of the Texas figures. Any comparisons were made only against themselves. Meaning, the expected rate for X state against that data from that state. only 10 or less jurisdictions are above their expected rate as rated against each state individually. That there is a lag in data is something you can say is expected. As the notes mention on the technical page that there are normally 1-2 weeks of lag time for x percentage of the death reports that are automated then 1-8 weeks for the hand reported. Each State is different. I thought it was interesting data so I shared it. If you look at the data on the sheets from a couple weeks ago when I first put it up the percentage for Texas is about the same as now, about two weeks later. Let's continue to watch the data from actual death certificates from the organizations that actually track them every week of every year for the past X years using their science-ful ways.
  18. From the notes it looks like what's being compared is all deaths in past years to not all deaths in the current year. If that's the case then the % is useless. Will you quote what you are referencing? My reading of it was it is a weekly number as compared with the average of the 2 years previous, thus expected deaths are that average number as a benchmark, weekly data. So yes it is from previous a previous years metric, but it is just that, something the CDC does routinely.
  19. no doubt there has been and will be tradeoffs. 9 of the locations tracked are over 100%, some significantly so.
  20. Latest CDC numbers, gathered the same science-y way each year I suspect, some argue the data is delayed but still it is compared against similarly delayed previous years(same science), show Texas at 93% of expected all deaths thus far for the week as of 5-9-2020. for reference: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/index.htm?fbclid=IwAR3bC8l68kMc0X8xcagMyMwS3ijD3v8PikMb7I7lTXvc_T6UHOJRq21PREU
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