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Everything posted by Buzzrock

  1. Buzzrock


    #Heardle #401 [emoji347][emoji834][emoji834][emoji834][emoji834][emoji834][emoji834] https://spotify.com/heardle?r=share Some vpn stuff doesn’t work on the phone because they can track your gps location.
  2. If ever there was a “he’s a fuckhead but he’s OUR fuckhead” player it’s Xhaka. Well done boys! Thanks for nothing Liverpool!
  3. Buzzrock

    Dallas | Steak

    Went to Chamberlain’s on Belt Line and got a much better ribeye. Pretty good spot considering we were able to just walk in.
  4. I’ve been to Jose, good stuff. Coworker recommended Neighborhood Services, and once we found it amidst the construction it was good.
  5. I caught his show here a few weeks ago. https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/billy-strings/2023/state-farm-arena-atlanta-ga-43ba67af.html Almost three hours, no opener. It was epic. I agree completely with your take, hot or not. I’m really looking forward to seeing him again in Napa in May at Bottlerock with a nice wine and gummy buzz.
  6. This is a great video. Let it wash over you.
  7. Godsmack is pretty easy to hate on, but this is cool
  8. Fourth night in this Dallas hotel before I noticed this on the wall in my room
  9. I’m in Dallas all week for meetings and due to traffic I drove through the neighborhood that’s west of the tollway and north of Lovers yesterday. Holy shit. Who lives there?
  10. Ring, classic. I realized recently that I over-rely on my ring finger for bends.
  11. Buzzrock


    Big fan #Heardle #399 [emoji344]🟩[emoji833][emoji833][emoji833][emoji833][emoji833] https://spotify.com/heardle?r=share
  12. I can’t believe that vintage Fender amps were going for way less than $1000 when I first joined this thread on Shaggy. Beat up DRs are listing for 3K, and good ones are 6K.
  13. I like his reviews but be warned he usually recaps the entire plot. So, spoiler alert.
  14. Matches your mom’s wizard sleeve
  15. Something kinda different: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpi7kLUtwVr/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Check out the marks where the bridge used to be. Looks like it was moved up considerably.
  16. Buzzrock


    Sounded familiar but alas #Heardle #398 [emoji347][emoji834][emoji834][emoji834][emoji834][emoji834][emoji834] https://spotify.com/heardle?r=share
  17. Buzzrock

    Getting old sucks

    Do you want to have your first heart attack in Belize or Costa Rica? I can’t get past that problem whenever I contemplate the expat thing. I love Isla Mujeres but I don’t want to be a rubber boat ride away from the nearest Mexican hospital during my senior years.
  18. Which one of y’all is this? https://www.instagram.com/reel/CoBBAtTrw8i/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  19. This guide seems to suggest that the Custom is just a flashier Standard: https://reverb.com/guide/buying-guide-gibson-les-pauls?gbraid=0AAAAADRxZYUOlVUVQA2V1T9x86IbIRBaC&gclid=CjwKCAjwoIqhBhAGEiwArXT7KxNv4L1B_-XnO0l8Sq2ijJTxMTAn0vR-8CcfgVyrOOuJIWkNbTqKVRoCOqEQAvD_BwE&utm_campaign=1749439590&utm_content=campaignid%3D1749439590_adgroupid%3D69144072435_keyword%3Dwhich+les+paul_device%3Dm_adposition%3D_matchtype%3Db_creative%3D460829645451&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google
  20. I saw him open for Tom Petty in my hometown years ago. When he came out and did Can’t Find My Way Home with the Heartbreakers it was one of the highlights of my concert going life.
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