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Everything posted by Buzzrock

  1. So I’ve now binged this show straight through from episode one until this recent one, and I’ve read this whole thread. So I would like to offer an observation that I haven’t seen: Gerri would get it.
  2. I saw the last Dethklok tour and it was great. High on Fire and Mastodon opened. The show itself was Brendan and a band (with none other than Gene Hoglan on drums) darkened out during the songs while the Dethklok videos played on a big screen. It worked well.
  3. Buzzrock


    #Heardle #417 🔇⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ https://spotify.com/heardle?r=share
  4. This is fucking brutal. Gave away 2-0 leads two weeks in a row.
  5. How does confidence just evaporate like that?
  6. They didn’t even review the handball. Horseshit.
  7. Cmon boys. Shut this relegation fodder down.
  8. Buzzrock


    Know how I know I’m gay? #Heardle #416 🔊⬛🟩⬜⬜⬜⬜ https://spotify.com/heardle?r=share
  9. This show is the ultimate “where do I know that actor from?” series. I’m constantly going to IMDB. Also how is there now t&a in a show like this on HBO?
  10. Buzzrock


    #Heardle #414 [emoji347][emoji834][emoji834][emoji834][emoji834][emoji834][emoji834] https://spotify.com/heardle?r=share Yup
  11. Whaaaaaat?? That is awesome. He is so great in The Expanse.
  12. It’s been repeated ad nauseam but Clone Wars and Rebels really are worth the watch. Use the guide to skip the filler CW episodes. If you like this show, the Mandalorian story arcs in CW fill in a lot. There’s way more Bo-Karan to be had, not to mention more Vizslas. Bonus: CW pretty much redeems the Anakin character.
  13. The Vizslas have had some huge moments across the series. Pre Vizsla’s death in CW was about as brutal a moment as anything they’ve ever shown.
  14. HBO could die under Discovery’s rule. They’ve already said they want to put more reality tv on the service.
  15. Spoilers. Yeah that was fuckin dope. It’s been awhile since they have killed off a character of importance. PV went out like a fucking gangster. I’m finding myself wondering what the point of Grogu is now. Interesting idea on the Armorer being a traitor. They didn’t show her making it back to the fleet.
  16. Buzzrock


    Bout time #Heardle #412 [emoji344]🟩[emoji833][emoji833][emoji833][emoji833][emoji833] https://spotify.com/heardle?r=share
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