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Everything posted by 52-80

  1. getting this guy in the mail. a full, thick milky porcelain dial, not just enamel coating. it joins a king seiko and a grand seiko in my japanese group. last missing piece i would want is citizen caliber 0200.
  2. The takeaway isn't that a 60 second generative clip is in itself scary/impressive. The takeaway is within the space of 1 year, we went from midjourney's impressive single frame output... to an uncanny motion image. 15+ frames per second * x seconds. All created from a single user prompt. Yes it takes some compute to churn through. But compute itself is also growing geometrically. It's the trajectory that is the big thing. We have AI text, image, motion, and sound. How many people and how long would it take for to make the equivalent of that in the past? How much does it cost to commission a 30 second animation or vignette for an advertisement?
  3. "vince young seductively removing his robe and wizard hat, in front of a tree"
  4. I was on car price watch until March…decided on Monday instead to buy a 1800mi one and today the MSRP went up $2k. Double win 🤠
  5. retarded pooh: "profit will grow 0.5%" sophisticated pooh: "ebitda margin expansion by 50 basis points" (yes yes quoting change of percentage by percentage...)
  6. How come people talk about the lucky sperm but never the lucky egg. Only a few of a million eggs will ever be fertilized, the rest have as their destination a cotton sponge. Theres lots of luck in that context too, no?
  7. I agree with you. People have this reflexive tendency to shit on every societal advancement. Its like that louis ck bit about airplane. Waaa the food is bad. Okay, but for $500 someone is flying you from boston to london. A century ago it wouldve take you 2 weeks on an oceanliner scheduled once a month at a cost you couldve have afforded anyway.
  8. I bet streaming has been great for small and independent artists. They dont rely on being picked up by a label for promotion and sales. No need to have recorded a full LP or even an EP to get broadcast. No slinging tapes or CDs out of a van at shows. With just a single they get a shortcut to exposure and distribution never before and transparent payment. Theyre probably not complaining.
  9. Cant believe these corporations are using *checks notes* actual videos of actual criminals committing brazen crimes to spread their racism propaganda. Smh.
  10. If you give money to a dude in cargo pants and Crocs, thats on you
  11. in my opinion, sports illustrated sealed their fate ever since this issue came out
  12. one of my dear colleagues, a brilliant man with phd in physics and french dess (equivalent of professional-masters) in computer engineering, who works in software... CCs himself on every single email. ive never asked him his logic. im not sure he knows such a thing as the Sent Items folder exist.
  13. Yes. Agreed. And Brisket being a fairly sensible person maybe he’ll agree, too. That companies are made up of people, and reflect the aggregate ethics of those people. And just like there is a natural distribution of good and bad people in the world, there is a distribution of “good” and “bad” companies in different numbers and at all scales. Its not determined by corporate-essentialism, wherein being a “big” company or being a public company ipso facto makes it bad and unethical.
  14. Im aware of his argument: public pressure didnt allow him to properly steward the company for the long-term. But he went public again. Which means he doesnt believe that anymore (ie he disagrees with your argument); or, in accordance to your argument, he doesnt give a shit about the company in the long-term. Is that so?
  15. And just to tie it back to the original screed about the quarterly reporting inducing long-term carelessness and fuckups…. Was Michael Dell first a pirate capitalist in the 00s, and then became conscious and responsible in the 10s when he took his company private, and now back to rape and pillage shareholders and customers now that hes back on the NYSE? The company ownership structure determines its ethics, right?
  16. Yeah, he hated that structure so much that he made Dell public again many years ago.
  17. Derision is a matter of opinion. Your news says the retailer data dont support the narrative of theft. But they do, again and again. Is your position retail theft declined? “Politicians bad”. Popular creed. (One i mostly subscribe to). But these exact *same* politicians said the exact opposite thing wrt retail crime and policing years back. So just make it clear to me: were they wrong back then, and youre on the there-is-theft bandwagon. Or are they wrong NOW, and youre on the theres-no-theft bandwagon?
  18. Quarterly reporting is a mechanism for the *public* to view progress and ensuring accountability. Is the quarterly cadence supposed to be bad? Do you want just year-end report card from your kids? Private, non-listed companies dont have reporting requirements. Is that better? And on the claim that the “system incentivizes” short term results and leads to long term fuckups. Can you be specific on what incentives and where that this is in place? Is there a company you can point to where the cash comp outweight long term equity comp? No vesting schedule or holding requirement? Lack of clawback policy? Gimme objectives that are quarterly-bound? It’s all public. Should be easy to find.
  19. I dont think you got it. You posted news snippet that ostensibly debunked retailers’ claims of increased theft. I showed, using the very same source the news did, that theft did increase, across multiple dimensions (increased losses, increased violence, etc) And I said the problem was most pointed in California. Which the survey says it was. So you dont dispute being contradicted on the survey thing, and then leaped to some conclusion about policing - something I didnt talk about - as a nonsequitur. And if you dont believe the survey — which is entirely your prerogative — then listen to what actual California leaders have said and acted on in the recent weeks w.r.t. policing and crime.
  20. 1. do you think womens participation in the workforce is a bad or a good thing? 2. do you think the family had a better quality of life when it was common for women to stay at home? beyond that, the fact of 2 working parents... is actually on a 3-decade decline. the current level are 1980s rate. this is from U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Current Population Survey, Annual Social and Economic Supplements 1968–2020.
  21. 1. the retail federation is a national survey. the common crime claim is for west coast cities - SF, LA, etc. and gee, looky here at the trend. 2. saying only 37% of shrinkage is due to external theft does not dispute anything. to dispute there is increased in retail theft, you'd have to show that 37% shrinkage reduce over time. and moreover, 37% still represents the HIGHEST source of shrinkage. So did the retail federation really contradict claims of retail theft and crime? let's see what they actually say - you can read it yourself: https://cdn.nrf.com/sites/default/files/2023-09/NRF_National_Retail_Security_Survey_2023.pdf The trend of the shift from lower shrinkages (<1.24%), increasing to higher level shrinkages (2-3%) the net national change for survey retailers increasing 0.2% represents $20 billion. no biggie. (and the original point is that the spike in theft was endemic to california, not a nationalwide phenomenon)
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