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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by pyrohornIII

  1. I like this, but you have to wonder how many of these workers who come to work sick with the flu/whatever do it because of the shitty sick day system their employers have, if they even have one. You'd think employers would be wise and want infectious workers to stay home, but noooo...come in and give everybody your shit, make sure we're all flat on our backs next week. Not if Mitch McConnell has anything to say about it. My paramedic friend who caught Covid at work is now a long hauler and has been in and out of the hospital and rehab 5 times since contracting it in Oct. They fired her last week. She's still in rehab. Now with no insurance. Fuckers.
  2. https://www.heb.com/static-page/article-template/Our-History An even deeper history: http://www.fundinguniverse.com/company-histories/h-e-butt-grocery-company-history/
  3. an investigation into what caused the fire is ongoing..... sigh https://www.wgal.com/article/biden-barn-burns-down/35753496
  4. While I understand this, there is no attempt to mask their powerplays anymore. They do this shit in the open and crow about it, how they are screwing over the Dems. It's a lot like OU holding all the time, blatant and unchecked by refs.
  5. He left out the prayer rugs. White Republicans are by far the most suspicious of the vax and those areas are full of white Republicans. There's a glut of vax east of 45 and west of 35 because of it. Go use it. Yes, Houston CBS news last night did an story on Orange and Hardin County offering vaccines to whoever wanted to come get them. They were practically begging people to come get shots. No classifications anymore. Exactly for the reasons elfenix is proposing. Vidor is Orange County. Enough said.
  6. I watched this earlier this week as well. Excellent quality on content and production. I subscribed like 3 minutes into it. Thanks and good luck with your productions! Edit add: I liked it spoke in language I understood, and didn't try to sound too young and hip, or too technical, like someone trying to impress people with knowledge they may or may not have, by simply using 25 cent words. And when there was technical speak, it was usually done in a context the layman like me could pick up on.
  7. Kagan has been awesome Her line of questioning: Let the floundering begin! And then it became art. Country clubs! Carvin began to backpedal so vigorously that it’s a wonder he didn’t end up out on a sidewalk somewhere. Kagan kept at him, turning him into a pretzel on the subject of polling hours. Me neither. If the VRA survives, Justice Kagan gets the save. https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/politics/a35702370/elena-kagan-question-arizona-republican-lawyer-voting-rights-act/
  8. Yeah, I realize that. Was really just speaking about Texas voting in that rant. Good point though. It's odd though that there was so much publicity about this in FL but most Texans don't have a clue it's a thing here. Elfenix beat me to the punch, but here's the entire post I went back and dug out before I realized he'd done the cliff notes on it.
  9. I'm curious if anyone else is using the online tracker for side effects? Seems like pretty good way to obtain a lot of data about various aspects of the vaccine. I'm sure a lot of people would tie this it big brother and Bill Gates, which is sad. We now have the technology to obtain and collect mass data that is instantaneous and will be beneficial to research going forward on similar viruses/vaccines. But unfortunately we have so many instances of people or groups gathering our data for nefarious means (trying to get us to vote a certain way, or buy a certain product/service) that it taints and destroys so much good we could be doing with the technology.
  10. Where is his fake concern when it comes to ranking 34th in the nation in education overall? Not to mention providing healthcare to those same children at the stellar level of 37th out of 50! There's a reason I keep GR on ignore, but sometimes his idiocy slips through the defenses. Our little school is politically savvy. Sent out an email survey to find out what parents want them to do. Mask or no mask? No self awareness of the morons cultivating more morons. Instead the school system could, I don't know, maybe follow science and use critical analysis to do best for the whole community. I would think you need to follow up with the same brand as your first shot for best results. I was given a card and it noted clearly that I had received Moderna. I would imagine their data system would track this as well.
  11. If you are going through the Brazos County hub at the Brazos County Center, I would fully trust them. Took my mother in for her's last week and they were organized and efficient. They were looking to add drive thru to their walk in, not sure if done yet. Personally, I had Moderna. Sore arm for a few days and some listlessness after the first dose, second dose was same, but not as bad. My mother hasn't suffered from the 1st Moderna either. But as far as efficacy or anything pfizer, I can't speak to that, sorry.
  12. a) Not everyone in jail is there for a felony, nor have they been convicted. Many people cannot raise bail, so they sit incarcerated until their case is brought. They have not had their voting rights rescinded simply for being charged. b) "debt paid to society" once a person goes 'off paper', they have fully repaid the debt. Their voting rights are reinstated. It was never intended that losing voting rights for eternity would be like the scarlet A a former felon would have to bear. c) "taxation without representation." Wasn't that the driving issue to rebel against the monarchy to begin with? This PR/DC statehood issue has been discussed for decades, but probably not so much in the conservative circles, since it goes against their interests. The only reason it hasn't been done to this point is that magical number 50. This right here. The voting laws are purposefully made as complicated as possible to confuse both the voter and the poll worker. The more confusion and frustration on the voter's part, the less likely they will vote. The more chaos, the easier it is for biased poll workers to use confusing laws to deny voters their ballot. Speaking only of Texas now: How many people know what a provisional ballot is vs a limited ballot? That a limited ballot can be cast up until, but not on election day? That a voter can take someone along to help them vote (translate, read, etc.) and they do not have to use the translator/reader provided by the polling place? That a felon who has met his/her obligations and terms of their sentence can be reinstated on the voter rolls? That some counties allow for county wide voting, and others don't, meaning you have to vote in the precinct you are registered in? Simply put, the more pointless limitations they can put on voting, the more ways to disenfranchise people and their votes.
  13. They have normalized the deaths of half a million people to the point that who gives a shit about another couple hundred thousand? Sad part is many of these jackasses won't be affected, nor know anyone personally affected, so they will continue to push this shit and feel justified. They can not fathom that others wearing masks around them just might have kept them from contracting Covid. Emboldened enough to keep the whole "hoax" conversation alive.
  14. Men in Kilts on Starz is only two episodes so far. Two of the leads from Outlander do a light hearted travel doc on Scotland. The Goes Wrong Show is just classic British comedy in short 30 minute takes. Horrible Histories is truly horrible. Take a pass on it. Edwardian Farm was an interesting look at living the agrarian life of a common farmer in 1850ish England. I had started One Night in Miami and got about halfway through it. I started getting caught up in more of the black history shows. I had enjoyed 'Hitsville: The Making of Motown" which pushed me to watch several docs on Sam Cooke. Having seen Malcom X already and 'I am not your Negro' on James Baldwin, the Sam Cooke docs really tied everything together to make 'One Night...' make more sense to me. My perspective of Ali and Jim Brown both changes significantly too. It is really amazing how little black history I have received over the decades. Two others that were good were 'The 24th', which is a movie about the 1917 rebellion in Houston by the black soldiers of the 24th stationed at Camp Logan (which is now part of Memorial Park. Like the Tulsa massacre, I had never heard of this. Also was a movie 'Emperor' about Shields Green, an escaped slave who fought alongside John Brown at Harper's Ferry. Neither of these two movies are big budget, but they are well enough produced to not take away from the story they are telling.
  15. The Resistance Banker is ok. Dutch movie but dubbed. Not horribly though. The actual mechanics they use to develop and run a substantial underground bank during WWII is a little hard to follow, which took away from the movie. Just a lot of people doing something you knew was dangerous, so you just took their word for it. Finished Knightfall. Always enjoy a well done Templar series. Mark Hamill trades in his light saber for a broadsword. Call My Agent was a fun series with lots of good cameos. French dubbed. Family Business sucked though. Mudbound is back. Great movie, gritty in places. The Quartet was a decent piece with Maggie Smith and Billy Connolly doing great work in a UK retirement home for aging musicians. A quirky Maggie Smith movie is The Lady in the Van. It's on Amazon though.
  16. These viruses are just going to become fiercer and more frequent, unfortunately. Because enough people are essentially stupid. I've read several articles that propose we may never be entirely rid of masks. Like southeast Asia after SARS.
  17. I agree. Looks more like he's polishing his televangelist bit. He's preaching like one. Like some sort of mixture of Rush and Pat Robertson. I would imagine there's more money and less oversite in a gig like that too than being a senator. He knows now he'll never be president.
  18. Willfully, arrogantly ignorant. That little recording of her walking and talking about the bible and the koran is a good example. Ignorant: Not knowing that anything can be used for a swearing in ceremony. Willfully ignorant: Having multiple ways to quickly research for an answer, but choosing not to. Willfully arrogantly ignorant: Making a video of yourself for the internet of yourself being willfully ignorant.
  19. RELEASE: Texas Democrats Step Up to Provide Food, Shelter, and Water to Texans as Texas Republicans are Running Away, Nowhere to Be Found AUSTIN, Texas — Democrats are providing the bulk of volunteer relief aid to Texas households impacted by boil water notices/water shortages and/or those suffering from food insecurity as a result of the deadly winter storm that knocked out power and water for millions of Texans. Meanwhile, Texas Republicans abdicated their duties and either fled responsibility or fled the state physically. Here are a few examples of how Texas Democrats are stepping up for our Texas communities: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Texas Democrats joined together to raise over $5 million in relief for Texans and have been organizing welfare checks and food and water donation drives across the state. Beto O’Rourke has been hosting virtual phone banks and visiting areas across Texas all week long to help Texans in need. Julian Castro raised nearly $500,000 for Feeding Texas over the course of the week. Rep. Joaquin Castro assisted with food distribution and getting San Antonio residents and other Texans much-needed supplies. Rep. Sylvia Garcia and Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee handed out water to folks across Houston and helped raise crucial funds to get food, water, and shelter to Texans. Texas Democratic State Senate Leader Sen. Carol Alvardo distributed water and supplies with other Houston-area Democratic elected officials, activists, and volunteers. Texas Democratic House Leader Rep. Chris Turner personally made calls on behalf of Tarrant County residents to get their power restored. State Rep. Gene Wu handed out warm meals to thousands of hungry Texans. Austin City Council member Greg Casar marshalled resources to Travis County and ensured that the public was informed about the water crisis Texas Democratic activists and SDEC member Jen Ramos and DNC member Andre Treiber delivered $2500 worth/165 meals worth of direct aid for college students struggling to eat after the crisis hit. The Texas AFL-CIO and other labor leaders distributed water and resources to Texans in need across the state. City, county and college board Democrats in Laredo and Webb County have organized a winter relief fund to help residents pay for issues caused by Governor Abbott’s failure, including replacement of spoiled goods, heating costs, appliances and fire damage due to blackout, and more. Meanwhile, with Texas children and seniors literally freezing to death in their homes, Texas Republicans did the following: Ted Cruz hopped on a flight to Cancun. Greg Abbott wasted precious time lying on national television, then asked the federal government to bail out our state from his own negligence. Ken Paxton hopped on a flight to Utah. And where was John Cornyn? Who is and isn’t looking out for Texans could not be clearer.
  20. The TDP does blast these people. Sometimes 3 or 4 times a day. But most of it never gets published or broadcast. Maybe it's too much, too often like Chicken Little, or it could be how it's presented. Press releases are fine, but we need more along the lines of Lincoln Project level stuff to reach out through social media platforms. But yeah, TDP does release news and opinions often. You can request to be added to the list using the email in the following press release:
  21. Yes, Ted has gone above and beyond in ignoring his constituents. So these front yard protests are acceptable considering his inactions. Imagine going to the tax office and demanding a devaluation of property because Ted is your neighbor.
  22. Yeah, but Jenkins doesn't have the "take your guns" albatross. Plus Jenkins is just as likeable, stable while coming off as less an activist. That's a bit like the Biden vs every other 2020 D candidate. Jenkins covers a lot of bases. I'd like Staci Williams to run for AG. She ran for Supreme Court, but fell short. She's an impressive person.
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