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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by DaysOff

  1. Worst week. I'm glad I'm in Europe this time. If my internal clock is going to be wrecked, I want to enjoy it.
  2. CRAPers. Conservative Republican Airline Pilots that pay 6k a year in union dues and vote for people who try to destroy what's left of their union's negotiating leverage.
  3. Financially...great, but covid broke the simulation and nothing has felt the same since. I'm going to blame that orange orangutan, so Joe's gonna keep my vote.
  4. Let's say we keep it all at home. Your people will agree to use it for health care, education, lunches for school kids? Get the fuck out of here comrade; you'd never agree to that. May as well kill some commies in the interim.
  5. Most women in history died before reaching menopause. Modern medicine is just now addressing the problem because men dominated OBGYN until recently.
  6. Follow Dr. Mary Claire Haver on social media and get her on HRT and estrogen.
  7. Morons. The fucking video game was the original lawsuit for using a player's NIL. He's not taking NIL money until he's a starter. Those idiots know that.
  8. Who's laughing now pretty boy.
  9. Reminds me of the UH football game thread.
  10. Where is the super goddamn el Nino? Remember the wetter winter we were supposed to have. Last summer broke me. If we don't get a wet spring to keep the temperature down in June...turbo fucked. I never thought I'd leave this state.
  11. 1st and 2nd fallopians? Them's books in the bible.
  12. What dumb fuck aggy ranked the AP poll for militaries because most had mother Russia at #2 before this war started. If that's true we're 50 years ahead of everyone else and have a lack of universal Healthcare to prove it.
  13. Strengthening NATO and the CHIPS Act will absolutely make the country more secure in the future. Those two actions alone make Biden's presidency a positive. He's exceeded my expectations bigly.
  14. Ever been to Turkish prison? Ever seen Midnight Express?
  15. How the flying fuck did that bag get through security? Well done Schiphol.
  16. Shall not infringed means no new gun laws ever libtards.
  17. You dorks arguing over a guide designed to ultimately sell more tires 100 years ago.
  18. It's time to breakup this broadcast team CBS
  19. I think Nance and Romo are at least 45 percent of the problem.
  20. This shit coupled with Romo is almost too much.
  21. Thanks for stepping on your dicks Ravens.
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