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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Huckleberry

  1. Or Wade was asked to help vet candidates and only became a candidate when others declined. That happens all the time.
  2. I don't know shit about fuck but Wade being there only strengthens the argument that he didn't have the job yet, it doesn't weaken it. Unless you actually think they were planning to hire Roy Barnes as an assistant to Wade. Wait, you think that?
  3. Now that we know that Boss Hogg is fine with men grabbing random women and forcefully kissing them without consent that means his wife is fair game, fellas.
  4. So you confirm that the negs bother you and you were lying when you tried to act like everyone else takes things too seriously and you didn't care about any of it. Essentially, yesterday you explicitly confirmed that your entire performance on this thread was a complete fraud. Mind you, nobody fell for it and everyone already knew that you were full of it, but I do appreciate your admitting it.
  5. I think the important thing to note is that we can all agree that the guy ESPN put #1 has zero business even being in the conversation for #1 as shown here. Also, Newton's stats were behind VY's when adjusted for snaps played and statistical environment (the latter being less of an adjustment but still there).
  6. They announced that 10,000 FBS players have already opted in and listed some big names (including Ewers). I don't think they'd put themselves on the hook for 6 million in player likeness payments unless they were serious about releasing this year.
  7. @immamac neg carpet bombing runs supposedly aren't allowed. Mr. Laughing So Hard I'm Crying I'm Not Upset You're Upset got his fee fees hurt and is doing it right now. This includes people who hadn't even negged his posts such as me. Can you apply a neg from me to all 700+ of his posts or do I have to waste my clearly more valuable time to retaliate?
  8. You shouldn't broadcast that you don't understand what you're looking at so publicly. Worthy made two cuts while Martin was running full speed on a straight line. Martin saw that Worthy was pulling away once he started moving straight and made a great diving play to clip his feet. Saying Martin "caught him" when Worthy had a 7 yard head start is a terrible take.
  9. Worthy is the new version of a great team player. Nothing wrong with an American adult trying to maximize his market value and get his. We all do it at our jobs (or should). But when it was time to take the field he played his ass off. I'm not saying he didn't have his faults but as time passes his efforts to make sure he was making the money he could make won't be seen as one of them.
  10. "Hey guys it's 11pm on a Friday night and I'm going to go post some stuff about how skin color has no effect on anyone's life anymore and them I'm going to wait for one of them to call me a white racist and then I'm going to tell them AHA I'M NATIVE AMERICAN to totally pwn them because my great-great-grandfather was a Seminole." You're a real winner, don't let reality tell you otherwise.
  11. This is really weak, man. I know you desperately want someone to get upset at your posts because you have nothing fulfilling in your life but you're going to have to do better than this.
  12. Yeah that's bullshit. Fuck that proposal. Obviously I'll still watch but it is so anti-competitive.
  13. Completely non-responsive and deflective. Try again.
  14. No, this is where dumbasses who believed that CRT was an actual problem gathered to post stupid things and then disappear once the people who told them CRT was an actual problem admitted that it wasn't an actual problem and they were just conning the rubes.
  15. I can understand this perspective, I was only questioning the "anyone" in your previous post.
  16. I mean this is a Texas Tech WR and you mean to tell me you didn't wish a knee injury on Derek Dorris?
  17. Not sure that is an accurate reflection of Houston versus Austin. Austin is 76% of the population of Travis County. Houston is about 50% of Harris. Add that to the Houston suburbs seeming redder than Austin's and those numbers above track to Houston being at least roughly as Democratic leaning as Austin.
  18. Probably cronyism of some sort but overlapping at high school one year means one was a freshman and one was a senior. It's more likely they never had a single conversation than it is that they were friends. I don't doubt that stupid exception means somebody was bought off but that's pretty flimsy evidence on its own.
  19. There is a City of Washington. It is coterminus with the District of Columbia but that was not always so, as I said. It also combined with the District governmentally but is still a city (much like Anchorage, Denver, Honolulu and others are both cities and counties). Multiple federal sites can confirm this for you.
  20. In his defense, it's a lot better to be triple her age when you're in your 60s than when you're in your 30s.
  21. Wait it was the right thread. Ha. The entire doublethink they're trying to get away with is breathtaking. "It's a human life at fertilization! Life is sacrosanct and must be respected and never discarded!" "Okay so that means they are afforded full rights (including citizenship) at fertilization and IVF embryos as well which means being an IVF provider is too risky and will go away and millions who have used IVF are complicit in murder." "But not those! Those in particular aren't human lives yet." Mark my words, the bills will be changed to say at implantation by next session.
  22. I just dropped in your thread to congratulate you on winning the most esteemed trophy in all of sports. Great work, Liverpool.
  23. This is actually correct. You stumbled upon why you're wrong about natural rights existing.
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