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luke duke

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Everything posted by luke duke

  1. Sometimes you have to let your wife or kid help you with a project even though you know that you’ll have to go back and redo everything they touched. For your kids, you hope that it is a nice bonding moment and perhaps they will learn something. For your wife, you know that you won’t get laid for a while if you tell her to go away because she’ll fuck everything up.
  2. He’d probably have to think of South Austin’s dad to make it through that one.
  3. Are you looking for our permission to call your place a ranch?
  4. Putt has already claimed the camera facing the shitter.
  5. I only had unprotected sex with Haitian hookers once a week. There’s no way I could have gotten AIDS.
  6. My BIL used to do this when he first started dating my sister. After my sister relentlessly made fun of him, he has stopped.
  7. Cast iron skillet or GTFO. All you oven assclowns probably have pellet smokers too.
  8. You should try to get it a little closer to the grass.
  9. Can anyone recommend a pair that can be connected to 2 or more devices simultaneously? I want to be connected to both my laptop and my phone at the same time and be able to answer whichever one rings. I’ve got a 3 yr old $20 pair of wired ones that can do this, but I can’t seem to find a wireless set that can do the same. I’d prefer to stay under $100.
  10. Any mister that doesn’t use a high pressure (~1000psi) pump is going to eventually drench you. You either need to pony up some dough or live with getting wet.
  11. They can sneak an extra cheeseburger.
  12. What kind of self respecting deer camp has sprinklers?
  13. How about you let your college graduate, who is apparently smart enough to get a job with a Big 6 accounting firm, figure out where he wants to live? Time to cut the cord. He can handle it. My parents haven’t had any input to my living situation since I left home for UT.
  14. Keep a bunch of ice cream in the freezer. Their lactose intolerance will be cured in no time.
  15. My oldest turns 12 later this week. She has been asking for an Apple watch. I bought this (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07VLRLNBJ/) for her. I'm going to put it in my wife's Apple watch box for her to unwrap. I expect to be put in the cheapest old folks home she can find in 40 years.
  16. I’m definitely not a beach person and have spent almost no time on one as an adult, but how difficult is it to predict this will happen? Are these people total idiots or does high tide vary so much that a reasonably cautious person may still wake up to a shit show?
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