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Agent 13

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Everything posted by Agent 13

  1. My ears were hurting bad during that sequence. It was LOUD in here.
  2. Causality, correlation, something something...
  3. Have you looked into debt settlement? Credit card companies will start listening if they think they will eventually get nothing.
  4. Don't lie, you know you were all thinking it.
  5. I'm doing the same thing to get put of Las Vegas. Ended up here.
  6. A lot of term policies have guaranteed convertibility. Might want to check on that. Not cheap, though.
  7. The fine folks of Baden-Baden are representin'.
  8. And did they really have to show the black dude be the one eating the fried chicken?
  9. Do you really need to say "Repeat" in written communication?
  10. Yes, I have this one. The sensor opens when water drops to 85 degrees and closes when it reaches 95. So it just starts you out at a higher temp. I had another type that was adjustable temp and could be started on demand but the entire setup went under the sink taking up lots of space and was noisy. Since it does bypass into the cold side I guess you could have contamination. I've recommended it to others and they all like them.
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