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Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand

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Everything posted by Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand

  1. https://www.texastribune.org/2023/08/16/texas-drought-heat-aquifers-groundwater-stress/
  2. It's binary thinking and how conservatives since the Reagan Revolution and repeal of the Fairness Doctrine have convinced their base that they need to choose a side between deified capitalism/competition (which dictates someone must lose) and anything that could be construed as demonized socialist/cooperative, when reality and history show the common good is best served by a balance of both.
  3. What? The guy's not from Texas? With a religious conservative background? And his company uniquely ignores permitted pumping allowances for the benefit of his company's shareholders? Shocking.
  4. https://www.kut.org/energy-environment/2023-08-15/utility-company-aqua-texas-ignored-pumping-limits-in-2022-threatening-jacobs-well
  5. Oh, we're only permitted to pump this much? Ok, we'll pump double that. https://www.msn.com/en-US/news/us/texas-utility-company-ignored-pumping-limits-endangering-jacobs-well/ar-AA1flSSp?ocid=sapphireappshare
  6. Hey. He added 6 trillion to the debt. That doesn't just happen overnight. It took 48 hours for the GOP to ram their tax cuts through. 2 nights.
  7. When I see the name "Boss Hogg", first thing I think is "needs government to assist in raising kids".
  8. Maybe her daughter gets to play Q Surfer brah's kids in the next life... Fucking moronic POS's enabled by even bigger POS's who should know better.
  9. She wasn't afraid of grabbing the steering wheel. That's the key to happiness.
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