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Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand

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Everything posted by Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand

  1. "So you want to make divorce illegal? YES!!! And you wanna make adultery a federal crime? GUILTY AS CHARGED!!!"
  2. Evangelical dude wants access to your kids at schools. For a job. You pay him for. https://www.texastribune.org/2023/05/19/legislature-chaplain-bill-rocky-malloy/
  3. I thought it was about Ian Curtis killing himself.
  4. I'm missing the PJ Harvey reference mentioned in the comments, but additionally Dolly via Dollywood and Drive-By-Truckers
  5. https://www.msn.com/en-US/news/politics/the-erosion-is-continuing-wall-street-journal-editors-sound-alarm-of-gops-latest-election-flops/ar-AA1bmmDO?ocid=sapphireappshare
  6. I think the point was the Durham investigation produced 0 convictions investigating the Mueller "witch hunt" which produced multiple convictions, identified multiple instances of obstruction of justice by then President Trump which weren't prosecuted per DOJ policy (and weren't pursued by radical Dems as grounds for impeachment despite that was one of the grounds Clinton was impeached), in addition to spurring multiple federal investigations into potential illegal actions by Trump that weren't under Mueller's purview, while Durham refused when presented with the same opportunity. Which investigation more closely matches the definition of a witch hunt and weaponisation of the DOJ?
  7. Waiting for the Law and Order Party to start posting some hilarious Pelosi jokes.
  8. Not so sure a portion of GOP women will post-Dobbs. Dems need to hammer that issue.
  9. Well, when the Communist Democrats won't let you divert taxpayers' funds to your donors' private enterprises, you need more government to fix the problem.
  10. Perry publicly gave credence to the idea of Texas secession. He can happy skip off a cliff.
  11. Pete storming off stage in a bitch tizzy while Keith sends his drum set airborne @ 2:50 is my favorite part
  12. Whether part of the movie or credit roll
  13. This was an improv comedy troupe that would make appearances on the Comedy Bang Bang podcast that could actually pull off some quality tunes in, I guess, a Monkees sorta way?
  14. The traumatic shit my friends' daughter has had to involuntarily battle thru from birth to 26 years- and develop a charismatic wit in the process- would make Paxton and all his MAGA alpha male warriors shit their pants like Ted Nugent weaseling out of his one real life opportunity to just go full Rambo. Fuck these fucking fuckheads.
  15. ... and furthermore, there's a reason times have changed.
  16. The entirety of Blanco County as of 2021 has a population of 11,886 so I'm not sure that sample size is going to tell you anything. It can be 0 several years then then 52.something the next. But you were commenting on stray bullet incidences, not murders (which can occur by a variety of means) within a broader gun violence context. In that context, anecdotally, in the almost exactly 20 years I've lived the Eddie Arnold version of Green Acres compared to the previous 36 of the Zsa Zsa version, as far as gun violence- 1 suicide by former co-worker 1 suicide by next door neighbor on Xmas Eve 1 murder of co-worker's son at drunken party Boss's Silverado showing up on a Monday with a bullet hole thru the quarter panel (it lived, we laughed) If I extended the degrees of separation, I could include more, like a fund raiser for a plant (I delivered to) employee's son killed in hunting accident. And that's excluding numerous gun violence averted anecdotes of guns being drawn or about to be drawn. In defense of your implied point, times have changed, but I've wracked my brain trying to think of gun violence when I've lived in the city, and the closest I can remember is old home movies of my grandfather and relatives target shooting in some park in Houston in white button ups and ties.
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