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Everything posted by kibbles

  1. Going the extra mile to keep your customers happy....https://m.sfgate.com/travel/article/Hotel-apologizes-horrifying-effigy-dummy-Jamaica-13451697.php. Ummm
  2. Ho lee fuk. Two great championship fights.
  3. https://deadspin.com/merril-hoges-book-is-as-desperate-as-the-people-who-nee-1830773301 This moron. Could be a fun white elephant gift
  4. This escalated quickly. I'm helping a friend who has real issues stemming from her live in grandpa's touchiness. He lost interest once she hit 12. Brutal but real. Happens all too often.
  5. Can the waxahachie playboy run?
  6. I've heard it is a fun city. Where to stay? When you arriving? How much alcohol will kill me?
  7. Great fight. All i knew was that someone was gonna get ko'd. I don't know shit.
  8. Cause i suck at internets
  9. At what age are old men allowed to start overtly touching young women's bodies. I'm almost 44....asking for a friend
  10. At what age are old men allowed to start overtly touching young women's bodies. I'm almost 44....asking for a friend
  11. I would but I'm not a conservative and i stay the fuck outta cr
  12. People who suck at hand eye coordination mock golf a lot. It's more the fat, lazy implied racism and overt classism of a ggod walk spoiled. I do enjoy topgolf though
  13. Rip. Not my cup of tea but a statesman nonetheless
  14. Gf? And earthquakes are only scary if you are ignorant or a 3rd world person
  15. Shove your red pen back up you're ass. My screen is cracked!
  16. You'd shake too if you were that damn cold
  17. I got negged for mocking golf. Golfers are really sensative.
  18. She feared for her life. A man had broken into her home AND smoked weed.
  19. I applaud the hero who instead of fixing the problem just dead fishes off the cart. Real tough guy
  20. Life in eastern WA is waaay better than life in lubbock
  21. Quick general question....I'm not typically too concerned about what substances people consume but I've been having problems lately with some drinkers who secretly consume cocaine, crack or meth. I'm naive and trusting but these fiends love to steal. How can i see this coming ahead of time?
  22. If i just need something in the morning... When I'm finishing the beer.
  23. It'll give me the runs 15% of the time. Cleansing and delicious
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