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Everything posted by wd40

  1. so it turns out Rod Stewart wasn't getting his stomach alternately filled and pumped at tour parties. he was model railroading screencap from the article
  2. St Edward's Park, earlier this week, with what passes for fall color around here. did Spider, this morning. getting a little better. cleared a few table tops, for a change.
  3. yeah. for another 20k, they won't make him watch while the squirt the whole tube out in the sink and go in dry.
  4. sounds like a bunch of Kansas City Faggotry confirmed
  5. please get a designated driver, or you might go to page 20 with some innocent people.
  6. Leatherwood was great. $20 to ride the shuttle all day, but I believe there is a XC loop that will take you around and up to the top. DH-5 was my favorite. there's an end-to-end uncut video of it (my last run of the day, so I was beat) in the mtb thread. the runs are ski-run rated for difficulty. the numbers mean nothing. maybe the order they were built. DH-4 had more technical options than 5. the one green run there is fun, but has a bit more pedaling the blues and blacks. but even I could clear the table tops on the green. all the jumps and features on all the trails have ride-arounds. they have paper maps in the shuttle bus. what they call a rock garden is really just a stretch armored up trail. just float it at speed. here's another video I made. starts out at Coler (Bentonville) on my day 1, coming off injury, muddy af, and me riding scared and stupid. but there is a bit of a dude doing Drop the Hammer. after that it's all Leatherwood bits of the blues and blacks.
  7. Deadwood binge snack of the last of some homemade pickles (garlic and japs from the bottom of the jar). probably not shank-qualified, but not interested in finding a better home. feel free to fuckoff. got a hankerin' to make a rueben, so bought some sauerkraut and rye at heb, but bailed on the wait at the deli. did pick up some brats tho, on 'kraut impulse, as a side dish. ended up at CM for the corned beef. the ass on the chick in front of me inspired me to linger and order some additional cold cuts, namely some ham and hot capicola. later in the week, I had to divert around the clusterfuck on 45th which brought me close to those old bags at Far West HEB where I was able to pick up a marble rye and make whatever the fuck.
  8. we vrbo'd at Villas at Sweet Spring. no views to speak of, but it's at the end of some trails that pass by at least a couple of the springs. well located for walking the main drag. reserved parking for guests, which really matters on Saturdays. good bar (Brews) across the street with a side porch where the local dog mafia hangs out. nice selection of local beers but shitty coffee (opens at 8am). villa had been recently renovated, was clean and the shower was huge, so I could easily get my bike in there for a rinse after hitting Leatherwood. there's another mtb trail network nearby, but I didn't make it over there. Passion Play, I think it's called. +1 on Grotto Chelea's Pizza Ellen's Brownbag (the only decent coffee we could find, but they open at random hours, depending on whether she needs to make more macarons) there's one place in downtown that opens at 7am, at the bottom of the magic staircase. had a good avocado english muffin, but their coffee sucked. apparently old hippies like coffee you can see through that tastes like old toothpicks fished from the gutter.
  9. friends don't let frinds ride Walnut. I can't disagree wih Mom's description of wc. I used to ride there a lot when I lived in the area. but I skipped it as a suggestion for the following reasons: 1) gets crowded on the weekends (bikes, dogs and peds). unless something's changed since I last rode there, it's bi-directional, so lot's of rookies going different directions. part of the reason for the running joke that it's the most dangerous trail in town. 2) no different than what you have in DFW. which, besides not being what you might call an 'Austin' trail, also means it's not very weather tolerant. that could be a factor, this time of year. there's flow to be had outside of the bottom land. just have to work for it a little more, as you would in TN.
  10. wd40

    Whatcha reading?

    Against the Odds, by McKee. loved it. dude has no use for Winston Churchill. John Paul Jones was a bit of a redass. https://www.amazon.com/Against-Odds-Battles-Sea-1591-1949/dp/1557500258
  11. depends on what you mean. Iconic? Barton Creek Green Belt, maybe City Park. easily navigable? CP first, BCGB main trail, second. However, the maintrail is packed with peds, dogs, and dogshit on the weekend. CP is a one way loop and well marked, but it's all rocks, all the time, moto trail, originally. used to be my favorite, but the fucked with it several years ago and I rarely ride there, now. Brushy Creek is fun, but probably a hike, depending on where you're staying. not much elevation, but a little bit of everything (including yoga pants on the main paved path). I know nothing of SATN. Kurdt, or Austinvines would have to chime in on that. supposedly pretty good. bunch of unmentionables, but they are, like BCGB OFF the main trail, mazes with lot's of choices. loads of fun though. loads of climbing, too. send up a flare if you want a guide. here lately, I've been soloing on sunday mornings. too much life happening with my crew.
  12. nice pics, but shit, KuRdt. where the video at? just back from NW Arkansas. Lake Leatherwood was awesome, especially with shuttle service. Coler Park in Bentonville was a mess when I rode it. pouring rain, lightning, etc. of the two ridable trails, Fireline (blue) required pedalling almost the whole way. Cease and Desist (black) was much better in that regard, but was loaded with doubles, which I suck at, especially in those conditions. I got some footage of a dude Dropping the Hammer (described as "an 8' gap ladder drop", but is more like 15', of you carry down the steep landing zone). the drop on CnD proper was doable (about 5', standing next to the end of it), but I wasn't excited about the long, curving, wooden thing you had to launch off of in the rain and my ability to carry enough speed on it to clear the flat. Back 40 on Friday was fun, but painful, at my current fitness level. 22.5 miles, >2000' of climbing. cold (40s) and wet, almost til the end. my feet were numb, the whole time. I started at the Buckingham trailhead, going counter-clockwise, which as it turned out let me start out on the best downhill stretch of the whole trail...into the lake. had to do some wading around to get back on the trail. another crossing was thigh-deep. kinda epic. anyway. here's a clip from Leatherwood. song came on during the drive home. this was the only run of the whole trip where my lense wasn't splattered with mud by the time I got to the bottom. gopro 6 is smoooove. 1080p
  13. can't wait for CA to ban Gil Bangs. the entire population of the state would instantly vanish (in a perfect world). SBB's not bad. just keep him on his boat.
  14. you must be feeling better, knox. that's good. I lost the front wheel on a wet limestone slab on a section called Leche, a while back. almost took a core sample of my left lung with my bar end, just under my moob. that shit takes forever to heal. I'll bet if you think back, the two wrecks today were fulfilled prophecies, and you were distracted/focused elsewhere on the crack landing. don't think. it can only hurt the ballclub.
  15. I like this one. and these
  16. ish, yeah. at two weeks, I took the stitches out with the nifty little scissors the little blondo PA offered, since they were just gonna toss them when I checked out. so it was a few days after that when I was on Cat. you can see the scar on my left shin. on grips, everyone's different. some like spongy, some want paper thin and hard. but everyone I know who has Ergons loves them.
  17. my personal favorite, but you have to do the voice.
  18. we do not know. all we know is he thinks he was trying to pull a wheelie on a little rise and just over-rotated. I think it was a combination of being on one wheel, slightly off vertical, and rolling over a loose fist-sized rock that was in the middle of the trail. you can sort of see the rock in the super-slo-mo replay. oh, and @Loco, I saw a dude a while back on little shorter version of that, cruising down the northbound frontage road of 183 at McNeil in 5pm traffic. I was like, "he's dead".
  19. ummm...no. I haven't been on a well in 30 years, and I even I could tell it was probably a hose left on, especially after checking the psi at the pump. to let it ride for a week like that? do you not ever shower or wash your hands? stanco, indeed. I call that one a team effort.
  20. depends on if you're happy with picture quality like this
  21. funny. as long as that technology has been around, it's about time they got onboard. I wonder what happens if you crash while skiing and go into a starfish. does it just look like you're suddenly cruising downhill sideways while the camera keeps the frame upright? I like the idea of not having a gimbal. just seems cumbersome. I've hit my camera on my saddle several times, as it is. but I can't see spending $320 on a 7. looking at getting a 6. from what I've read, the 7 isn't any better on picture quality or stab. it just has more features for me to ignore or get frustrated with, being the old fart that I am. Thanks for the info, and the video tour of Reimer's. been trail riding for 20+ years, and I've never been there.
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