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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by hornian

  1. I also had his wife for Fed Courts. I have no idea why I took that class. She seemed to be more in love with John Marshall than anyone living today. I had never been happier about getting a B+ In any class ever than that one.
  2. Yes, I help clients do it when necessary. To avoid these problems, two recommendations: 1) get an attorney who knows what they are doing, don't just use an online from like CHIEF and 2) contact your mortgage lender and get something in writing that this won't make any due in full clause in your deed of trust accelerate the mortgage. And re-read what I just said and GET IT IN WRITING. I've had several clients do this, and the mortgage companies haven't had any problem confirming that in writing, but I wouldn't draft a deed for them without that.
  3. A quitclaim huh? You sure about that, CHIEF? You may have made a whole mess of the title. It should have been a warranty deed, and you should have made sure to add you and Mrs. CHIEF as the grantees, not just Mrs. CHIEF. Because if you just executed a quitclaim from CHIEF to Mrs. CHIEF, I have news for your bud: You just gifted her all of your community interest in the property, and it's now her separate property. Have fun with that if things go south, or if they don't and she dies before you!
  4. I didn't marry her for her homesteading knowledge. Laura Ingalls Wilder, she is not.
  5. I once had a divorce case where the husband, despite claiming poverty, had about $500 worth of Russ and Daughters Bagels and Lox (after the uncharge for them being overnighted) sent to Austin because he had a craving.
  6. There was a large tractor under the overpass at 183/Duval this AM, I thought that they were finally clearing things out. Alas, just a mower getting ready to mow the medians.
  7. My wife is in charge, so I'll give her your screen name if she decides to go that route.
  8. Five Stone did get me 7.5% reduction in appraised value, but they also got it reduced to exactly what I paid for it last year. Hmm... wonder where TCAD got that number (it sure as shit wasn't from me)? Better than a kick in the teeth, but was hoping for a better outcome.
  9. Like, 7? 8? I don't know. Whatever it takes to get the damn things out of my yard.
  10. No clue. We got hatchlings when they were 6-8 weeks old from a friend of the wife who hatched them, not from a store with guaranteed hens. She (the friend) had no idea the sex of the chickens. But the place the eggs came from will take them back.
  11. Raining sideways on Jollyville Road near Duval in NW Austin at the moment. This should make my drive home interesting.
  12. Turns out 2 more the "hens" are also roosters. Also found out that the place the eggs were from will take the roosters back and give us hatchlings in return. So that's the plan. I'm tired of these literal 6:30 a.m. wake up calls, gotta get these damn birds sent to the farm.
  13. Not in Texas, we go by "inception of title" for determining character of property as separate or community - meaning if you bought something before marriage, the character of separate property doesn't change. There's a lot of ways to fuck that up, don't get me wrong. For example, if you sell your separate property and use the proceeds to buy new house and put your spouse on the deed, then there is a presumption that you gifted the spouse 1/2 of your separate property interest by putting her on the deed of the new house. And you can be on the hook to the community for reimbursement for improvements, or for paying down the principal of the mortgage, or things like that. But if you do it right, or hire an attorney who does it right, your separate property will stay your separate property.
  14. Read the article. The people he interviewed (several of them; not just a one off) did in fact order seeds in the spring, didn’t realize they were from China, the seeds were delayed due to COVID shipping shutdowns in China in the spring, and then started getting shipped in June and July. And the Chinese sellers put innocuous words on the boxes (earrings, etc) to get past customs rules related to importing seeds. Not all of them; but “the lions share” according to this investigation.
  15. Winter Soldier was too formulaic. Easily the weakest of the three Disney+ shows so far. It seemed like it should have been a movie, not a show. In my opinion, Wanda/Loki were better because of their uniqueness and trying something new, at least as it relates to superhero movies or tv shows to date. And I don’t think either of them could have been movies, there was too much story and they needed the extended exposition to tell them properly.
  16. I had a client who bought in Mueller under the low income program, and her equity was limited when she sold it. Most of the appreciation went to the builder. That’s not to say that she lost money- she didn’t. But it wasn’t a windfall or even a really great investment. It would have been a better ROI to have bought over in Windsor Park using a FHA loan over the low income program she used to buy a new house in Mueller (of course the houses in WP were not as new and shiny as the one she lived in for 10 years in Mueller, and her daughter would have gone to Reagan instead of McCallum, so there were other benefits).
  17. I feel like with the reliance on AC, it’s actually just as bad in summer in the south/west as the winter is in the north/east as far as people congregating indoors with recirculating air.
  18. Austin (at least certain parts) and price per square foot doesn't make sense to me anymore. It's all about the dirt, not the improvements, for many parts of town. I had a divorce case a few years back, before the real estate prices went truly bonkers, and were only plain ridiculous. My client (Husband) bought a >1,000 sq/ft POS in 78704 in late 90s for ball park of $100K, got married in early 2000s, added on and remodeled the house to be about 1500 sq/ft with construction costs of about $100K after they got pregnant, and sold around 2010 for about $500K, and used the proceeds to buy their next house. Wife wanted all the appreciation from the sale to be community property, but we were able to successfully argue that all the value was the land (which was his separate property), not the improvements (which were community property), and Judge agreed. We had to have experts and put on a lot of evidence, but it was for sure the right call - in fact, I'm pretty sure that even with the recent improvements the new owner scraped the lot and rebuilt something else, so the value was almost certainly all in the land.
  19. First of all, fuck you for "the gays" comment. Neg rep. Second of all, that was an entirely different situation, where people were trying to preserve inheritance rights. Finally, there are a lot of reasons for an adult adoption, and the main one I see is that the child was raised by the step-parent, the bio-parent wouldn't sign off on relinquishing his/her rights when child was a minor, and the child wants to legitimize what they see as their real parent when the bio-parent is no longer able to veto the adoption.
  20. I didn’t know Lake Travis was in Harris County
  21. This is for a 3 year contract. Supposedly we already have the fiber to the building it just needs to be switched on. So it’s not like they are going to recoup costs of installing or anything. But there’s only one provider (Spectrum), so I guess no competition is fucking me.
  22. It was his ex wife; get the story straight!
  23. We are trying to get fiber internet for commercial property. We currently have 1Gig down/45mb/s up on coax, that we pay about $250 a month for, but it's not sufficient for the era of zoom. The upload speed is more important than the download for our purposes. Trying to get an idea of whether these are realistic prices for 500 down/500 up. The quote we are getting is $1100 a month (from a Spectrum reseller - unfortunately that's the only option at our location) - are we getting taken for a ride, or is it just that expensive to get those upload speeds on fiber? Gig down/Gig up is even worse.
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