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Everything posted by DoobieWah

  1. Defeated! (or at least...defibrillated.)
  2. I can hear the music just by looking at that face. Doom Doom Doom Doom Da Doom Doom Da Doom
  3. I thought I'd already posted this but maybe it was a different thread. I caught the Dead twice. First at The Summit in 1978, my freshman year at Texas. The second in 1985 at Southern Star Amphitheater at Astroworld. To be perfectly honest, I don't remember many details of either show.
  4. She was being disrespected - what choice did she have?
  5. I make gumbo fairly often. I started doing the roux via Alton's oven method for a few years because it is so easy, but the last few times I've gone back to the stove top method. The oven is just too slow. I can do it on the stove in about 30 - 40 minutes but the oven takes about two hours. The oven method IS foolproof - as long as you keep your oven at 350', it won't burn. But if you keep an eye on it, the stovetop is much faster.
  6. And they said baseball is dying. $1.65 billion and #11!
  7. I'm positive Springer will bounce back but I'm starting to worry about Dallas.
  8. Take a knee, it's a long one. When I was going in to the seventh grade, my family moved out to the 'burbs, (1972). It wasn't really too far out even then - Inwood Forest at the end of Antoine in Houston. Our house backed up to the first hole of the West Nine at the Inwood Forest Country Club. It was your typical fairly small CC. My father didn't play golf so we didn't join. Nevertheless, I obviously knew a lot of people who did and I got my first set of clubs pretty soon thereafter. Got pretty good too for a kid with no formal lessons. Anyway, on nice evenings I would just walk out the backdoor with a 7, wedge and putter and hack away for three or four holes. My short game was excellent. Mom and dad got divorced and the sibs and I stayed with mom at the house. Mom got remarried a few years later and my step dad did join the club. Yay! I caddied, worked for the club picking up range balls, spent a lot of time on the putting green and pitching green. I really enjoyed it. Went away to Texas and my roommate at Jester was black. He played golf also and so I took him to Inwood when we were in town that spring and we got about three holes in when I heard it from across the bayou. "Get that ni**er off the course!" I said "What?" obviously having misheard the man. So he repeated it a little louder. We finished the nine, (screw those guys!) but I felt pretty shitty about it. My roommate shrugged it off, but I think he was mostly embarrassed for me. The next day, my stepdad comes in and said that since I was out of high school, the club said I couldn't play there anymore without being a guest. That was the "worst round of golf" in my life and I've never played a hole since.
  9. Uhmmmm... Most people know that the Taj Mahal was built by an Indian sultan, (Shah Jahan) as a tomb for his most beloved wife. What is less well known is that he bankrupted his kingdom in constructing it and his son deposed him and locked him in a nearby tower, (Agra Fort) with a window overlooking the memorial where he spent the last eight years or so of his life,. What's more, he had planned an identical tomb for himself across the river that flows behind the building as shown above. You can still see the foundations on aerials or GoogleEarth. Instead he was entombed next to his wife in the Taj. While the Sydney Harbor Opera House is stunning, the almost 400 year old mausoleum is incomparable. In my humble opinion, of course.
  10. I didn't even hear about the Dome tour, but no way would I have gone and I certainly wouldn't have waited four hours to get in. Seriously, had you never been there before? You know, when it had seats and shit? Why did it take so long to get in? Was there only one door and everyone had to go through a strip search? And do I understand they did the same thing a few years ago with the same delays? WTF? I loved the Dome when it was a going concern, and I hope they find a good use for it. Over the years they've talked about turning it into: a parking lot, convention space, a multi-story golf driving range, a hotel, and a pile of rubble. They left it moldering so long I was afraid the Dome was doomed. FWIW, I'm old and have seen dozens of events at the Dome including the rodeo, Pink Floyd and the Stones, Astros, Oilers, Gamblers, Cougars, Bluebonnet Bowls, even the OTC, (they used to set up full sized oil rigs on the floor). I guess it would worth it if you'd never been but I'm afraid it would just be kind of sad if you had.
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