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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by CHIEF

  1. Here is where I'm at on the light pollution map: I'm more excited about taking CHIEF Jr.'s telescope out there than the hunting. On a moonless, clear night, you can see whole galaxies with the naked eye. It is truly the most incredible thing I have ever experienced. There are as many heavenly bodies as space between them. Our old lease was in the southern section of that dark spot and was incredible, but we were still within 60 miles of Abilene. This place will be "Big Bend" dark. CHIEF
  2. Well, looks like CHIEF Jr. and I are back on a lease. Far eastern Kent County, between Guthrie and Benjamin. Tailgate buddy had a spot open up on a 6600 acre pasture on the Spike Box Ranch. It's deep canyons and mesquite flats. WT, Muleys, Auodad, ducks, dove, and Sandhills. Even an occasional elk comes through. So it's back to sitting on ridges and glassing. There's probably 2000 acres in the SE corner that no-one hunts, they mainly hunt the river. I have a location picked out there, as well. I hate watching the same area all season, and like to move around, there are three areas to do just that. The tine length out there is absolutely crazy, it's 43 miles north of our last lease that I had with Dad, which had incredible tine length as well.. Camp is 11 miles off the highway. Can't wait to look at the stars on a moonless night again, and hear coyotes at all hours of the day. CHIEF
  3. This is kinda where I'm at. Hated waking up with the cat shit flavor in my mouth. An Arturo Fuente Maduro curly head for $1.00 at my local smoke shop was my favorite. Can't beat it for the price. Now, it's a couple of Cohiba cubans when we go to Cozumel. CHIEF
  4. That little Jag F-Type SVR convertible and the 911 Cab from Enterprise would be sweet rides as well. It's a short notice, but there are 4-5 good options, if others are already taken. CHIEF
  5. I would select my days based on having this for 3 days. You're gonna have some mileage charge but so what. https://mphclub.com/ferrari-488-spider-rental-miami/ CHIEF
  6. Losing your Dad is tough. Watching them go through that much pain and deterioration has to be brutal. Prayers to you both. CHIEF
  7. Mrs. CHIEF had this 24x20x2 Black Walnut brisket board made for my birthday. Her hair dresser's husband custom builds them. Absolute stunning work. CHIEF
  8. Looked like too much drop for 556. Something heavier imo Figured a 7.62 would have carried enough energy and mass for a kill shot. A 5.56 at 1050 ft/sec would knock them down, but both were able to hobble away. CHIEF
  9. I bet those fuckers changed the direction the water swirled when he flushed the shitter. Fucking animals. CHIEF
  10. It wasn't killing them, but definitely put them out of commission. 5.56 subsonic out of a can? CHIEF
  11. No, you absolutely cannot. Yeah, I looked it up. It was two transactions, but both were considered farms/ranches, which was allowed when they did it back in the 70's and 80's. It's still allowed if the farm is your primary residence, but the residence and the farm land are treated differently. Not sure what vehicle can be used to avoid capital gains on that much money. CHIEF
  12. She probably did a 1031, which deferred the tax for 18 months. My parents have always done this. If she reinvests the $1.4M back into Real Estate, it just kicks the capital gains can down the road. CHIEF
  13. True. They will rough up your thumbs. I let everyone else pick out the jumbos in our field runs. Jumbos also don't usually come out of the tail intact, as you have to exert too much pressure to tear a couple of rings off and it takes half the meat with it. CHIEF
  14. The "that's not original" guy at car shows can get annoying. Hey dude, it is a numbers matching, correctly badged car, so what if it has an aftermarket air filter, valve covers, and carb. Just let the owner be happy and quit nitpicking. CHIEF
  15. I hate to let them know, but their submarine is really a giant two tone leather couch with white stitching. CHIEF
  16. I always like larges over jumbo. Crawfish are just like English bulldogs, the front half seems to grow much faster than the tail. If you peeled out a hundred of each, and then weighed them, I bet they would be almost the exact same weight. And you would pay $21 more for a 35 lb. sack of jumbos. CHIEF
  17. Yeah, he said that's a $300-400k boat. The tower with actuators is $100k, by itself. Labor would probably be 50% of the bill, so that's why it was totaled. But I don't have $200k laying around for parts, which he seems to be forgetting. CHIEF
  18. 185 years ago, the Yellow Rose of Texas was about to tuck ol' Santa Anna in for his afternoon nap. I still don't understand why we didn't put sharpshooters in the San Jacinto Monument, and shell the Mexicans from the battleship Texas. CHIEF
  19. That taste comes from it not being kept cool properly. I've had other people's taste that way. Rancid and livery. I've got a place to shoot them, but not really hunt them. I also process my own. It costs 75 cents for the bullet. To me hunting is much more humane than taking cattle to a locker plant. I've been on a killing floor, and those animals know what is about to happen. It is happening right in front of them. It's sad really. The killing really needs to be an individual animal only in the room, the ones behind can't see what's happening, and the one before them is through a door and being processed. But with that being said, there is no difference in deer being fattened at corn feeders, and your two whole butchered cows finishing out in a feedlot. The sanctimonious "high road" that non-hunters take, that still eat meat, is hypocritical. You're just paying someone to do your killing for you. CHIEF
  20. You should pull a Mike Flynt and go back and try out. That fucker was 59, and played at Sul Ross. https://www.espn.com/college-football/news/story?id=2986313 A 4.5 forty ain't no Uncle Rico, that is legit. CHIEF
  21. CHIEF Jr. got all exited, he missed the "X" in the X26. He was all G26 Paragon, hell yeah when he got home. I had to tell him to go back and read what I sent. Kids. Yeah, an X26 is totaled. CHIEF
  22. I take it you are a Vegan? CHIEF
  23. The guy that always says "your not a real hunter" unless you hunt with homemade spears or archery only, and ambush prey as you hide along game trails. Never mind, that it's guys taking their kids or elderly parents, a lot of times. I don't personally hunt that way, but don't disparage those that do. You usually find out they don't hunt, which you already knew. CHIEF
  24. We did one of those this weekend. But the story gets even better. We listed a couple's river home for 4%, my mother acted as their buyer agent on another house on the golf course. The contract fell through for $567k on their river house, the guy is a long tenured pilot for American, so he was able to close on the golf course house before the closing on his river house. So the river house goes back on the market for $575k on Thursday. We had 4 offers by Sunday afternoon. I had a client that just absolutely loved it. I told him I had sold houses for as much as $25k-30k over asking. He bid $604k, and won the bid. So, now, instead of making 1% on the river house, we will make 4%, with me acting as Intermediary. CHIEF
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