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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Call

  1. I’d forgotten about Kai. The Hatchet Wielding Hitchhiker is a quick watch at under an hour and a half.
  2. Fuck you, Sark. I’m actually starting to miss FUPM Mack.
  3. Who does Jimbo blame this loss on?
  4. Love/hate relationship with Bobs. They always startle the shit out of me when they flush if I’m not in area I’ve seen them previously if I don’t have a dog ahead. Every god damn time.
  5. San Antonio here. I have not yet, but am open to giving them a chance. If not this week, the following week and I’ll report back.
  6. It’s hard keeping up with unbranched family trees. I should have specified it would be your half sister that is your mom. My sincere apologies.
  7. I’d say I love your mother, but in reality it is likely biologically your sister. So, I love your sister mom. She was great.
  8. I like aggy tears. It helps dry mine.
  9. 77 more chances for that 20xx trophy. 61 more in 19xx did not work out, but there is a chance.
  10. God damn, Jade’s “chili” never disappoints.
  11. Ain’t no god damn beans in chili. We are fucked.
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