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Everything posted by JOSEYWALES66

  1. Same. I went from not knowing much about the kid to possibly being my favorite recruit in this years class.
  2. They don't. It's just shtick. Haven't listened in years and it sounds like I haven't missed anything.
  3. Most good humor has an element of truth to it. Sadly, this is funny as shit.
  4. Pretty sure the staffs are drug tested so I don't think that would work out.
  5. "No bastard ever won a war by dying for his county. He won it by making the some other poor dumb bastard die for his country" George Patton
  6. Not saying we can't get Denver as well but this makes it less imperative.
  7. My guess is Patterson comes in as an analyst. A coach of the coaches. I'm fine with that too. Also works with his ego.
  8. Pleasantly surprised he is in this class. Early on I thought for sure he’d flip to LSU.
  9. He better hope he DOESN'T get invited to the combine. Running a 4.8 forty won't look to good if he does.
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