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Gut Wagon

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Everything posted by Gut Wagon

  1. "Comfortability" is the new "focusness." Although Bill probably thinks that's a stretch.
  2. Well, then. Having worked with such esteemed Huskerville QBs as Chubba Purdy changes everything. That's about as good a bullet point as you can put on the old resume.
  3. Odunze to Texas confirmed. Hopefully before we play them.
  4. In keeping with today's random mention of a misplaced green bean at the breakfast buffet, I assume Sark will try to corral Golden.
  5. Sam Bowie and Greg Oden are no longer in a race for No. 1.
  6. I'd like to see him get a start. Partly to send a message that effort and intensity do matter.
  7. I'd bench Hunter to start the next game. Nobody as bad as him deserves to start 82 straight.
  8. Shaka having a good team this year doesn't bother me. Him being such a joke of a coach in Austin does.
  9. Hunter is again an incredible disappointment on both ends of the court. I'd hoped he'd finally come around at the end of last season, but no sign of it here.
  10. Embarrassing. Shaka is a bad coach, but we look like we're playing without one.
  11. Playing like crap in most ways. Pull your heads out.
  12. I know you all share my amazement that LSU and Bama will gladly take UTSA credits UT-Austin won't. 🙄
  13. Bingo. The maroon mob's patience will soon be tested if this new staff goes for a "slow and steady" rebuild based heavily on talented but loyal upperclassmen. The kind of players it takes to be elite in the SEC won't generally sit around for years waiting their turn while other schools are luring them with more and earlier playing time and solid NIL. With good coaching, programs like KSU can meet or exceed fan expectations in our former conference with a bunch of older guys from the wheat fields and wind farms. But aggy literally faces the challenge of a different league and fanbase. How ironic that they say we're about to get a shocking initiation to the SEC, even as they're evidently trying to emulate a team from the "BDF." We're already much more of an SEC team than they are.
  14. Still sounds better than hearing old Nick will be accompanied by Deion...and a duck.
  15. I'm not normally one to get dragged into petty spit-wad fights, but now you're just begging me to ask: If these coaches "failed" at UW but were successful elsewhere, were the coaches themselves the actual problem?
  16. I'd love to see Sark now dial up a little more deception off those WR screen sets. A lot of those screens go nowhere; they get sniffed out instantly, and we don't consistently block well enough out there. I assume Sark has a reason behind every play, so maybe he keeps running that one partly to set up a variation at a critical point of a playoff game. At least, that's what I'm telling myself.
  17. Wondering if at least one young LB (Lefau in particular) might decide to follow Choate back west. No reason for me to say one will, just thinking about how prospects of PT figure to shake out for our bunched-up LB room. And of course, Choate killed himself in Hawaii recruiting Lefau.
  18. Maybe the fighting milkmen can draw up some plays and signal them in. Not even the Navajo could break the aggy hivemind code.
  19. Hand size: 10.25". For this proven red zone receiver, might cross-training at QB be in the cards?
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