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Chuckie Finster

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Chuckie Finster

  1. I had a ton of friends make some sort of "I really don't like Trump but man, it's hard to argue with my 401k" comments in 2018/2019. They are suspiciously silent now.
  2. It's a "tell me" vs "show me" debate. How many polls have shown Dem doom over the last four years? Damn near all of them? How many elections have Dems overperformed? Damn near all of them? I understand what the polls are telling me but I really feel like people are bending themselves into a pretzel to ignore the very real election results that contradict them.
  3. The right wingers flooding the zone with transgender shit has succeeded in that the Lakewood shooter will forever be identified as transgender, regardless of whether or not it is true.
  4. The insanely slow lack of details being released has me convinced that cops hit the kid.
  5. ... says the Yankee fan with more than ten thousand posts on a Longhorn message board.
  6. Just a good time to remind everyone:
  7. Add "passion during sporting event" to the things that have inexplicably become liberal. apparently.
  8. Have him out and about with the public but do not, under any circumstances, let the man debate.
  9. The only thing to remember is that anyone who could be swayed by this report likely has no idea it exists. A paragraph in a Special Counsel report and a Thursday evening press conference right before Super Bowl weekend is not something on the radar of most Americans, especially 9 months out from the election. "Biden is too old" may certainly play a role in this election, but it won't be due to the events on this week.
  10. Don’t worry, your boy took care of that years ago before Joe ever set foot in the Oval Office.
  11. Find a time machine and go back to 2014 and tell yourself that in one decade your party will be anti Bud Light, NFL, most country music, and the general concept of democracy but very pro Russia, Kanye, Tesla, and book burning… all because Donald Trump said so. Let me know what past you says about those developments.
  12. I disagree. There are plenty of legitimate Democratic candidates who wouldn’t stand a chance in a national election. Trump, however, might be the only human this side of MTG who could lose to Biden. And that is no slight to Biden. I think he’s been very effective. But the nonstop negative campaigning against him combined with his age would be tough to overcome against anyone but Trump.
  13. "We aren't gonna bring charges but only because he's a dumb old man on his deathbed" is Steve Bannon-level ratfuckery.
  14. Republicans have won the popular vote ONCE since 1988, yet have appointed 7 of the 12 Justices since then. Maddening.
  15. You could swap Tucker Carlson for Samuel Alito and I'm not sure any of these transcripts would be any different.
  16. Seems ol’ Carter is full of shit and looking for clicks.
  17. She's Orthodox, which is basically just Evangelical Christian but with those side curls.
  18. I know this will shock everyone, but Trump has not been consistent in his belief of Presidential immunity. https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-bill-barr-arrests-fox-news-clinton-obama-biden-obamagate-b885971.html
  19. I say this as a Jew, but she makes me wonder if maybe Hitler had a point.
  20. Ah yes, the famed "quiet confidence" of Texas A&M.
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