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Everything posted by tchookem

  1. This isn't me, but it could be.
  2. Ted Cruz makes DeSantis look charming. The only reason this isn't getting mentioned is because when Ted showed Trump his belly it eliminated him as a candidate to be taken seriously in the GOP. Ted's reached his apex, he just does't have the self-awareness to know it.
  3. If you think astigmatism is a hoax, Mont Belvieu has the doctor for you.
  4. Don't be confused. One of the bad faith trolls crawled into the sunlight to spew bullshit. He'll crawl back to the Daily Texan echo chamber once he's done.
  5. Something along the lines of, "In California we support education. In Florida, you attack it. California has a system we're proud of. All you do is tell the world how bad your schools are."
  6. I've seen Score (brand) hanging packs in a couple stores (HEB, Walgreens). These are probably the closest to what you're looking for. They're "cheaper" (lower quality) cards, but still going to more expensive than you remember cards being. But he'll get to see the players he knows and score also puts some retried players into those sets as well.
  7. Narrator: The employees are still on welfare.
  8. The clip cuts off, but the vase has a plain white back. It's the kind of vase that sits on a table in the hallway of a hotel floor. The kind of vase that a large hotel chain would order thousands of.
  9. Because he's a fraud. And everything about him is fraudulent. Mike Schur (writer for The Office and creator of Parks and Rec) tells a story about the wedding gift Donald Trump gave him.
  10. A couple of nuggets I personally heard in these trainings... If you've already used the supplies in the kit, you can use a Doritos bag to form a seal over a wound. When dealing with gun violence, teachers defending their students with a nail file is more preferable than a police union endorsing a gun-control candidate.
  11. Because it will piss off liberals. And pissing off liberals is more important than any policy or crisis management could ever possibly be.
  12. Not really a comment on the headline, but is that John Adams opening the door for students?
  13. What goal would he to have liked to accomplish? Why didn't he propose legislation to abolish that goal? Is that still a thing? Congressmen proposing legislation?
  14. I know it's Instagram, but he looks scared shitless here. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CzHnhS0x_6P/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
  15. They don't have to raise prices. A private school can just say no, and take the voucher money from the families they want to let in.
  16. Thank you. That really helps. I'm still gonna piss on his dick if we're next to each other at a trough.
  17. While I respect y'alls expertise and appreciate your willingness to educate me (although I how I never personally need any of this knowledge), I'm really only here for the finding out portion of Alex Jones's life. You got any of that for me? I'll take anything... heckling at a restaurant? Pissing on his shoes at a urinal?
  18. Chip Roy pulls his head out of his ass just long enough to talk out of it.
  19. Not so CSB... I have a student from Colombia (6th grader... 11 years old). He and father made it from Colombia to El Paso. Goal was Austin where aunt is living. In EP they were put on a bus and sent to New York. Made it back to Texas, Austin, and now my classroom. I don't know his current immigrant status (not my business really), but I know that this whole stunt had multiple real costs with absolutely zero benefits.
  20. This is the reason I haven't verbalized it to my many Jewish and Jew-ish friends.
  21. I'm starting to think that Israeli leadership's view of Palestinians isn't all that different than Hamas's view of Israelis. Bibi may not come out and say they want Palestinians eradicated, but their treatment and dehumanization gives me pause to think.
  22. My anecdotal evidence says Southern Baptist females aren't much better, but I guess that's what happens when you're brainwashed to believe everyone else is going to Hell.
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