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Everything posted by tchookem

  1. My son is a senior this year. Have had a 529 since he was born. How do I get that money? I've not heard a thing about actually using the money.
  2. You getting defensive over a picture of a lady that fucks someone else is the weirdest thing I've seen this week. So there's that.
  3. Because it's oh-so-easy to just chase off and replace 120 principals. I mean, unless you plan to replace them with incompetent lackeys. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4a_hc0IanP/?igsh=MWZ1azZ3bHMybHJ2dg==
  4. I'm a teacher. While I'd love to have perfect parents sending their perfect kids every day, that isn't the reality. It's also something that I, you, and our state government have zero control over. There is literally nothing anyone can do to solve that problem. I'm not sure why you bother bringing it up. It just sidetracks. What we do have control over is our state's political approach to education. We control who makes decisions, and we control what they prioritize. One side of that political argument has chosen to sabotage education. I'm honestly not sure why you're both-siding this on something as inconsequential as a message board, but it is pretty frustrating.
  5. I'd still take Woodlands over CyFair... people on that school board don't care what they say out loud.
  6. I know we're on the same side of this fight, but don't accuse the Dems of dropping the ball regarding messaging. You're falling into the both sides suck trap. There's plenty of compelling messaging from the Dems, it's just falling on deaf ears. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0fTfUYNiTK/?igsh=MTlsOXprdHN1MnN1cQ==
  7. And they got primaried for it. I hope what you are saying will happen happens, but nothing so far has made me believe it can. Those rural voters had a choice on Tuesday and they chose to move farther right. Back to my original point, Britt's response to SOTU was made with the sole purpose of telling them they made the right choice.
  8. I never said it was smart, I said it would work. Smart people are not the intended audience.
  9. Based on the primaries (in Texas especially) and the immigration bill that got squashed, I'm guessing they don't feel the need to gain more seats, just push the seats they already have more to the right.
  10. Here's the thing about Britt... it went exactly as they planned it. The parodies, the mocking libs, even the shocked right-wing pundits... none of that matters. Her job was never to convince Americans that Biden was wrong, or that the GOP is right. Her job was simply to reinforce what MAGA Republicans already believe. She did that. The scared white woman... check. The shaky voice... check. Being in the kitchen like a good traditional wife... check. Telling a story that's bullshit... who cares? Think what you want, but she did what they wanted her to do.
  11. Sounds like every Republican that still claims the label.
  12. Will the sirens be back? It will be a factor for me. ETA: Didn't see this exact post above.
  13. A lot of people would love Jon Stewart to run. Just sayin.
  14. tchookem


    Putting this here, but the point could also be made in the education thread... or the mass shooting thread. Male teacher at Hebron wears dress... gets suspended, but is found to have not violated any policy. Resigns following death threats. Thus juxtaposed to the Uvalde police having zero accountability for their inaction explains exactly where we are when it comes to treatment of LGBTQ, teachers, and police. https://www.dallasobserver.com/news/hebron-teacher-on-leave-for-wearing-pink-dress-resigns-18803426
  15. Labeling their bullshit as taking points is an insult to bullshit taking points.
  16. Imagine how the statue=heritage crowd will lose their shit when San Diego takes this thing down.
  17. Latino friend from HS complaining about being stopped and harassed by local law enforcement in the panhandle. Told him he needed to be out of town before the sun was down. I asked him how he thought that deputy votes. His response: "Probably the same way I do."
  18. I'm imagining is going to be the doctors, and more importantly, the IVF industry that gets this done. We're taking about a billion dollar industry, no way that gets shut down because some fundamentalists can't grasp unintended consequences.
  19. If an embryo is frozen for 16 years, does that mean Roy Moore can legally approach it in a mall?
  20. $400 sneakers... brought to you by the same dipshits that squeal like pinched pigs and slap stickers on gas pumps every time the price jumps 3 cents.
  21. It's what changed my voting perspective. I never paid that much attention to politics (never watched talking-head news) so I always voted with the "less government" crowd. But watching the Obama years play out on social media, and seeing the bullshit spewing from the people that did watch Fox News made me realize how much I had played into that bullshit.
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