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High Plains Drifter

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Everything posted by High Plains Drifter

  1. I agree with your sentiments. This is why dOTarD will win the nomination.
  2. lol that putting video. I'm a terrrible golfer, but good gawd that is awful.
  3. The Earth's 500 mG magnetic field intensity laughs at your 20-30 mG backyard magnetic field intensity.
  4. police said they threw molotov cocktails. Police also said that guy they shot had a gun. All I saw on that video were fireworks. Forgive us if we are skeptical.
  5. For the plan II majors, 60 hz being the frequency of the AC current in the power lines.
  6. Earth's magnetic field intesity of about 50 uT laughs at your puny 2.75 uT.
  7. (Republican) Narrator: Sir, this is a Republic, not a Democracy.
  8. why were the cops pointing their guns at this guy in the first place? Was he an imminent threat?
  9. So, i have a 9 hour plane trip in a month. I hate flying, more because I am tall and skinny and just can't get comfortable in those horrible chairs. Ass starts to hurt, legs get twitchy, plus I hate being crammed close to people I don't know (I think I'm slightly claustrophobic when around lots of people in cramped spaces, like airplanes), so I get a little edgy on long flights. Would or which of these products help that? anybody?
  10. There is only one reason to carry zip ties, or plastic handcuffs, to a protest. Their charges should have included attempted kidnapping of elected federal officials.
  11. “Poorly trained officers have killed dozens of people over the last decade, but with the skills provided by cop city, we would easily push that into the hundreds.”
  12. you forgot the old trope of the guy who bitches about all the old tropes
  13. This is something you have to pay the tree fiddy to see isn't it?
  14. Your food disgust is low (22.13%) Pretty much the only hangup I have is people touching my food with their hands. Yes, I know what goes on in a restaurant behind the curtain. I just try not to think about it.
  15. I can't imagine not opening my front door to someone who appeared to be injured. Lotta people living their lives in fear.
  16. So @lawdogs correct me if I'm wrong, but the attorney for the fake electors was told by the judge to offer her clients immunity, presumably so they could give up somebody higher up (DOtarD maybe?), and she not only didn't offer that deal to her clients, but she also lied to the court about it? So, we have both lying to the court, and not representing her clients in their best interest. Cherry on the shit sundae, she is being paid by the Georgia GOP, not her clients. Obviously the Georgia GOP has hired her to cover for their and DoTArd's illegality, not to actually represent her clients. If this lawyer doesn't get sanctioned and disbarred, the entire attorney/state bar system needs to be burnt to the ground.
  17. Yes, we can concentrate the homeless in their own camps. We can call them concentration camps for short. We'll even give them free showers.
  18. This wasn't the shooter protecting anybody or his property or his business or any shit like that. This was vigilantism. It was reckless, it was dangerous, it was uncalled for, it was unnecessary. The shooter should face charges.
  19. Sovereign citizen law forbids capital letters, or what?
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