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Not a cat

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Everything posted by Not a cat

  1. We all talk like big swinging dicks but 20% kicks in at 435k for single filers. I'm sure some of us are there (not me) but certainly not most.
  2. I know on surly we're all 1%ers that only date models, but I think even here the vast majority of us are in the 15% long term cap gains bracket. Your point still remains valid though.
  3. Just watched Bottled Up, a documentary about the Dublin Dr. Pepper plant and its dispute with corporate Dr. Pepper. Interesting subject if you're into that but within first few minutes it told how one of the owners of the plant went to Europe to fight in world war 2. It showed stock European theater battle footage, complete with gunfire and artillery sounds and a helpful subtitle in big block letters that says "1946 Germany". Seriously, who is editing this thing?
  4. Get Hulu live or sling package in fall.
  5. How many people in the world have the physical and technical skills to even attempt that? In other words how many people have the ability to execute all those climbing maneuvers in a row without falling once, even if they were hooked up to a safety line while doing it? I'm no climbing expert but I'm assuming it's in the single digits. Now take all those people and find one with balls big enough to risk death to try it, and more importantly, has the mental ability to do it when failure means certain death. I know I'm getting futuremanned here, but if you gave me the option of fighting a sabre-tooth tiger bare handed or climbing El Cap free solo, I'd take the sabre tooth. .00000001% > .00%
  6. Bold statement, but I agree. Name one better. Swimming English channel? Impressive but if you fail the boat picks you up. Same with ultra marathons or any other endurance feat. I've honestly tried to come up with something more impressive and have come up empty.
  7. Initial reports did make the shooter sound much taller...
  8. Lost can eat a Bob Stoops supersized bag of dicks. Seriously, screw those guys.
  9. If this thread saves one life, it'll all be worth it. And it looks like it has.
  10. With a name that literally is Algonquin for "the good land" it's easy to see why.
  11. That sick bastard is mainlining Remicade and you think he's ready for the Catalina Wine Mixer? Pow!
  12. This. I'm out. Made it pretty far out of boredom/curiosity but the payoff is not there.
  13. You have to think Leon is a prime candidate, for obvious reasons, but also he was the one pointing out the urinals needed more depth a few episodes back.
  14. Larry's reaction when Vince Vaughn asked him if he sought the opinion of females for the new toilet design. So dismissive, so perfectly Larry. I'm still waiting to see how the new toilet designs and lack of a shitter create a perfect storm of events for the opening of the spite store.
  15. Speaking of election year markets, looking at that list it is astounding how crazy the month before the 2008 election was for that. I lived through it as an investor, but at that point I had just thrown in the towel and quit paying attention to the daily machinations of the market. Or I'm just blocking it all out. 10-9-2008, down 7.33% (13th biggest % drop) 10-13-2008, up 11.08% (5th biggest % rise ever) 10-15-2008, down 7.87% (9th biggest % drop) 10-28-2008, up 10.88% (6th biggest % rise ever)
  16. Not even close- -7.84% is tenth worst percentage drop, according to the chart. No CR, but I too wonder how much Bernie's probable nomination is contributing to the drop. I'd rather it get priced in now than November if so.
  17. If I was strip club guy, I'd be shaving my head right now on video with a time stamp and about 5 police witnesses.
  18. Yeah, listen to this guy. Was that a body suit, because the tits only looked 40, not 70. Not that I was looking it anything.
  19. The cold open to episode six with those 2 boys playing army. Holy shit, that's a little disturbing.
  20. I forget the exact quote but I lost it when Susie told Larry to take his dirty teeth back to his hovel.
  21. You're not going to get me to say anything bad about that episode.
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