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Not a cat

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Everything posted by Not a cat

  1. Crying after a loss, within reason, shows you care. Going to the stands and crying in your mom's lap? Yeah, we'd have laughed at that shit in high school, forget about college.
  2. As I read it, in a 3 way tie with OSU, OU and us, we're fucked since our cumulative winning percentage in games we've played is 0, OU is .500 and OSU is 1.000. That is IMO by far the most likely 3 way tie to happen.
  3. I still can't get over how we treated Riley Dodge. Poor guy decommitted it was so bad. And most of you are too young to remember, but Danny Akers was eviscerated in the letters to the editor section.
  4. While I love sooner tears, the thought of playing one of the irate 8 in the championship vexes me.
  5. Mrs. Al4ISU later that night- “You know how it works, Al. You ride with the young coeds, you die with the young coeds. Sorry, you crossed the line.”
  6. Lorena might be at the game. Keep looking.
  7. I'm getting a real G Gordon Liddy vibe from him. Ex military, brazen schemes they implement, fanatical and devoted follower willing to fall on sword.
  8. Serious question, is there a place that will take a bet on penalty yards against one team? Might as well make some money if I'm gonna get fucked (no Clayton Williams).
  9. I read that the guy filming that was killed later that night during a different sting. Holy shit
  10. Today I learned from Francisco's posted article that it is against the rules to review film at halftime. Seriously, how many people break that rule*. *Not pulling a juicy and saying everyone does it, just that I bet that rule is broken a lot.
  11. They did, and the fans still hate little ferentz, and are now also sick of Dad's shit too. Source - my son's a Hawkeye.
  12. Getting my car worked on this morning and saw a guy in a Michigan hat. I asked him if he's been gets lot of shit about the hat. Him- well yeah, always do, it's a national brand. Me- I mean over the last couple of weeks. Him- oh that's such bullshit. Harbaugh would never do that. Me- In fairness, it was a visor so was undoubtedly a douchier Michigan fan.
  13. The best was the next week they called defensive holding by a DT on our opponent. As if to say see we call that all the time. I haven't seen it called since then on anyone.
  14. Have you thought about getting a yurt? Ok, that was mean. I think you covered the big ones. I used to live in Denver and dreamed of living in exactly the type of place you mentioned, but never was able to pull it off If you're looking to get back on the dating horse, it'll be challenging in that environment but you may just meet some mountain country girl of your dreams, too. This also goes with longer winters, which you covered, but the people I talked to lamented how few hours of direct sunlight there are in the winter, due to the mountains blocking a lot of it.
  15. I imagine Iowa City looks like this now. As far as the timing of the announcement, I imagine they wanted to tell potential WR and QB of this before signing day.
  16. It's a testament to the stupidity on this thread that I started seriously responding to this before my sarcasm detector went off.
  17. Just now watched the broadcast because I was at the game. Who the hell is in charge of research for this graphic? I guess we had no bad ass dominant game breaking running back between 04 and 14.
  18. I used to argue with a guy that said Barry Bonds juicing didn't matter because you need more than just strength to hit homers. I finally gave up as once someone makes up their mind, it ain't changing.
  19. 51% is probably low for Harvard. I'd guess high 60s at least
  20. So a guy without a rocket arm was good in all other areas but was nonetheless the last player taken. I don't think this fact supports your position that Quinn will go late rounds in the draft. In fact it says the opposite - NFL teams overvalue arm strength, which is great for Quinn.
  21. Hey, I never said I just realized I want to bang Simone. Now buffy would get a wooden stake from me, though.
  22. Arch's people also have the wherewithal to not give much of a fuck about cashing in immediately. Doesn't mean their advice is also not sound but it certainly helps them focus on the long term
  23. And I just now realized that Simone is Buffy the vampire slayer. Not like I haven't seen that scene a few dozen times. Perhaps I have pneumonia too
  24. I was actually thinking the same thing. My otherwise healthy 19 year old son just had it and said there are a shitload of cases going around at his Midwestern university.
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