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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by elfenix

  1. https://avalon.law.yale.edu/subject_menus/debcont.asp
  2. If you drive past an open parking spot or someone just about to back out, I, as the car behind you, am under no obligation to back up to let you get that space.
  3. https://fortworthreport.org/2024/03/16/fort-worth-to-houston-high-speed-rail-on-track-despite-dallas-concerns/
  4. got an 1.25" in 30 minutes yesterday per flood control
  5. 17 run down to 1 was intense there between the cadillac and the acura 7:27 left and they're practically alongside at the front
  6. Feels like that should do it
  7. kinda skinny as you might expect, nice flavor though with some spice in the masa.
  8. tower LMP2 hard into the tires at the tower corner after getting a bit of a nudge from a GT3 and catching some dirt in the braking area gave us our 2nd yellow
  9. i'm not sure an F1 car could get around this track. 17 feet of suspension travel on a lap.
  10. i'd like democrats to stop stepping on their dicks by getting them wet. (fuck you again, cal cunningham)
  11. dozen “venison” tamales from a random dude selling them table to table at a brewery this evening.
  12. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign-polls/415932-exit-poll-more-native-texans-voted-for-orourke-than-cruz/
  13. trash builds up in the nets on buffalo bayou west of downtown, which basically doesn't flow through any poor areas of town. we're all disgusting.
  14. Uses a Rolls Royce centrifugal (not axial, which is odd for a turbojet powering a fixed wing aircraft) turbojet that the Brits literally gave to the Sovs. Otherwise they’d have been powered by some shit ass BMW 003 development.
  15. Speaking of gas station subs, could really use some Wawas down here. Glorious:
  16. elfenix


    holy shit live views of heating on entry
  17. elfenix


    booster didn't light for landing burn so came down hard in the gulf. starship successfully sailing around the planet to the indian ocean.
  18. elfenix


    no boom yet
  19. she'd love you enough to let you sleep peacefully by yourself that night oh shit found pickled smoked bologna, that's going in the next amazon day shipment
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