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Everything posted by GopherRock

  1. You would think that the Colts would quit taking the bait on the hard count.
  2. KC better win this, but there is enough baggage on the Chiefs side to fill a long train.
  3. The 2011 Minnesota government shutdown ended shortly after it was determined that the department that issued licenses for alcohol sales would stop issuing all permits after a certain day. Things were resolved shortly.
  4. We'll know more about the footing of Cocaine Mitch on November 6. Kentucky elects a governor this fall, and the current occupant is basically Trump-lite and very unpopular. If he is returned for another term, forget Kentucky as a pickup.
  5. Check out @aasdanny’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/aasdanny/status/1080265021953884162?s=09
  6. That game was a straight-up ass kicking. Probably the best all-around game from the Gophers all year.
  7. A sudden display of concertina wire on the Irish frontier and the new border searches at the Dover ferry landing will have a lot more impact than Y2K could ever dream of having.
  8. How the hell does the guy not have a legal right to refuse?
  9. That judge was channeling his inner Judge Parker.
  10. The bigger question is this: Does anyone want to win the AFC? All the potential high seeds have stunk up the joint at least once in the last couple of weeks.
  11. So it's a confidence motion against May as leader of the Tories. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna946861 Vote expected between noon and 1 PM CST.
  12. Confidence motion against May as leader of the Tories or confidence motion against the Government? Plenty of rumors of both, but there's a big difference between the two.
  13. GopherRock

    NFL week 14

    As long as we're on the subject of WTF, WTF is going on with the Saints?
  14. I'm in a loser's pool (think opposite of survivor pool), and this is a tough week indeed
  15. Grandma GR and her family was living on the Pearl City Peninsula on the morning of December 7, 1941. So yes, this does strike close to home.
  16. https://www.bloomberg.com/amp/news/articles/2018-12-05/u-k-trapped-in-irish-backstop-legal-advice-says-brexit-update This is what May has been fighting to keep under wraps: a hard border in the Irish Sea. Considering the Ulstermen are what's keeping the Government together, this isn't going to end well for May.
  17. Klan gonna Klan https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/nooses-found-hanging-trees-mississippi-capitol-2018-11-26/
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