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Everything posted by HouTex

  1. Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.
  2. Pretty much. I was there on Monday and I didn't notice a shortage of anything. Toilet paper and paper towels is another story.
  3. One of my funds, albeit not a majority of my investments, is up almost 20% year to date. Check out Alkeon. That guy has nailed it this year. He had a large short position before the melt down--I was up around 5% YTD in that fund when the Dow was around 19,000, and then he has been trending long since pretty much around the bottom.
  4. Gus/Mike care. I recall Mike telling Saul to get the story down. I’m guessing Gus doesn’t want Lalo to know he has a traitor in his organization.
  5. Wow. You and I are close index wise. I would never play for $1k on a hole. Good for you.
  6. Thankfully. It’s about the only thing keeping me sane.
  7. I'm with you Luke Duke. I don't aim for an oval pizza, but a perfectly round homemade pizza looks like you cheated on the crust with something that was pre-made. On the 00 flour issue, I've used it on many occasions but I've concluded that it does not make a meaningful difference. AP works just as well for me. IMO, the keys to a good pizza dough are kneading it long enough (see Alton Brown's pizza dough episode) and letting rise slowly in the fridge overnight and then letting it rise again before you cook it. And make sure you put enough salt in the dough.
  8. This right here. I came close to getting out last week. The market had come back decently from the low and the outlook was all doom and gloom and no one was even hinting at restarting the economy. My broker (yes, I still call him that) talked me off the ledge for that reason and others. I still haven't sold anything and I'm going to stick it out. I'm still 7-10 years from retirement, but if I was 3-5 years away things would be different. Had I sold everything and not gotten back in within a day or so (and some of my funds have a 30 day waiting period to get back in) I already would have "lost" about 10% upside opportunity. Bottom line is that EuroHorn's point is well taken--you can't know when to get back in unless you have a crystal ball that works. IMO, for a long term investor, this is one of the best buying opportunities you'll ever see.
  9. I read that stuff about her/them being lesbians but I call bullshit. I suspect that theory originated about 30 years after the film. The line about her being immune to 007’s charm didn’t mean she was a lesbian. And, of course, she did give in to his charm. “This is no time to be rescued!”
  10. How did Mike know about the pick up? He had his survivor gear with him so perhaps he knew about the water well meeting spot and he was camping out waiting for the hand off.
  11. Coming to post this. I get a wild hair and make fried chicken once every couple of years and I always hate dealing with the oil and the mess. We just don't deep fry much anymore. Find a Chester's Fried Chicken at a gas station somewhere. I've had some of the best fried chicken at those places. I recall one at Studemont/Montrose near Washington Ave at a Chevron station.
  12. I don’t like the twist. I was sort of sympathetic to, and interested in, Dolores and some of the other hosts because they developed, or were given, the human quality of individuality. Not so much now except for their looks.
  13. Gary Player hit a remarkable bunker shot very close to a pin and he overheard a spectator say “What a lucky shot.” He replied that the more he practices the luckier he gets.
  14. Played 9 holes this morning before the rain. Our foursome walked it in about an hour and 35 min. Great to get out again.
  15. Yikes. How old was he? My club has reopened for golf with the now familiar distancing rules and no carts. But no halfway house. It’s BYO.
  16. Orbi fan here. I have two units and it works very well in my home. It depends on your home’s layout. I’ve had to reset it (by turning it off and then back on) a few times in a couple of years but overall it’s been great. And that may have been something going on with Comcast.
  17. When you are out there, be sure to pronounce it Mar-a-thin. It's crazy, but that's how they pronounce it. A waitress told me it started because the old farts don't want their toothpicks to fall out of their mouths while they talk.
  18. One of the headquarters they keep showing is a building in Spain. They talk about it during the discussion after the episode in HBOGO. The writers are very much full of themselves.
  19. No order: 1. The Beatles--White Album 2. The Beatles-Abbey Road 3. The Beatles-Revolver 4. The Beatles-Sgt. Pepper 5. The Beatles-Rubber Soul 6. Bruce Springsteen-Born to Run 7. Led Zeppelin-IV 8. Fleetwood Mac-Rumours 9. Pink Floyd-Dark Side 10. Prince-Dirty Mind This was hard. Tough to leave off at least two of Elton John's albums (among my favorites: YBR, Honky Chateaux, Mad Man Across the Water), Springsteen's DOTEOT and Greetings, and the Stones' Sticky Fingers.
  20. It was 14.5 lbs untrimmed. So I’m guessing about 12.5 lbs trimmed. I slept a bit longer than i planned this morning so I started the cook at 9:15 and I wrapped it at 3:00 at 170 degrees about half way through the stall and took it out of the BGE and finished it in the oven inside at 290 degrees. At 5:30 the brisket read 203 degrees and the probe went in like butter. I took it out and it rested for about an hour when it was served.
  21. My contribution to the quarantine cook. One of my best efforts. The pics always look dry but it was damn near perfect. I did a hot cook-290, and it turned out great.
  22. Cisco’s has/had (is it closed yet?) great migas. If anyone over 35 with a UT connection doesn’t know about Cisco’s migas they should be shamed to oblivion.
  23. I haven’t touched a flagstick in about two years anyway—except for tournaments. The groups I typically play with started leaving the stick in when the rule change was announced.
  24. Great to hear. I hope we open next week. It’s hard for a club in Houston proper (or any major city) to go against an edict from the local government. The directors just don’t want the controversy for the club. And it just might be illegal.
  25. In country maybe. Beyoncé says hi.
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