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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by 'stache

  1. Damn this is so good, haha! I’ve literally had the conversation about the term homophobe, like they’re not necessarily scared of the gays, they’re just dicks about it. I’ve also commented in the past about the “tender and mild” lyrics from Silent Night. Who says that about a baby? Soft and boring? I didn’t go cannibal with it lol. Then the Jesus stuff. “There was a star, yeah..” I’m a little high but damn this is funny.
  2. Ashlynn Brooke is a far more attractive Oklahoma native porn star. Last I saw she’s still alive. Or so I’ve heard…
  3. I always assumed it was a taunting or unsportsmanlike penalty if done to the opponents face or sideline but not to teammates and home fans. I’ve never seen guns down or thumbs down and did t realize that was a thing. I see it the same as current NFL rules in over the top celebrations. Taunting an opponent or delaying the game is a penalty, otherwise it’s fine.
  4. That's my take, never understood why some get so riled up. It reminds me of 2011 when ISU ruined our perfect season and rushed the field and tore down the goalposts. It meant to me that we were finally good enough to merit that kind of celebration from an opponent. UCF rushed the field this year too after kicking our ass. Opponents only care if you're good, beating OSU was never a big deal to anyone until the last 15 years or so.
  5. Did Coach Terry call to scold them for it? (sorry had to say it, I honestly don't care about horns down one way or the other)
  6. Last night was the first full NBA game I've seen since last season. God damn, these guys suck. I don't think Kyrie is that big of a difference. The NBA in general just isn't that interesting to me anymore. Maybe I've changed, but I really think the game has changed in ways that make it less interesting for me. The players are so fast I don't see how it's possible for the refs to make correct calls regularly. And whether its the speed, the rules, or lack of interest, it's shocking to me how many players are wide open for jumpshots, like not even challenged and having a full 3 seconds to set and shoot. Finally, maybe it's just Mavs-Suns rivalry stuff, but man, everyone is a fucking whiner. KD, Booker, Nurich, all bitched and cried on every play. Luke does it way too much for my taste too. But as a Mavs fan, JFC, it only worked when 3's were going down at 70%+. The second it cooled off they looked like absolute dog shit. What a beating.
  7. I don't specifically recall Al saying that most fans would "prefer" a Prestige Worldwide separation, but brings it up in responds to the constant "LEEECHES" rants with the fact that the BIG and SEC have plenty and if it's really a problem across the board, then just do it already and stop complaining. I've said repeatedly that it's inevitable. Either a complete separation or unequal revenue sharing. If its the latter, the real question in my mind is, would you rather make $40M a year as a member of the Big 12 similar to your conference mates, or would you rather make $40M as a bottom tier SEC/BIG school while the bluebloods in your conference make $120M? I know my preference would be the Big 12.
  8. It's one of the advantages of some of the Big 10 state schools. Wisconsin is the sole university playing high level football in that state. Ohio State and Penn State have the same advantage (Minnesota too but they haven't been relevant in decades, although they won a national title at some point since aggy last did). Wisconsin to me feels a lot like Oklahoma State, had some really high level success, but rarely got over the hump (edit: looks like they won a few conference titles 2010-12 but the fact I had to look that up shows its not as prominent as tOSU, UM, PSU). But they have much higher population, enrollment, and lack of in state competition to prop them up. It's not all that surprising to me. They're probably the 18th school on that list.
  9. The Nazi's were actually competent though and knew how to govern. They also rose at a time when the vast majority of white people in the US and Europe believed in racial inferiority/superiority. They also had legitimate armies ready to serve in a full scale war for Germany whether they believed in the master race stuff or just loved their country. The only thing that gives me even an ounce of hope is how incompetent trump actually is, having accomplished nothing of significance during his four years as president. He'll do even less if he wins in November. He's not only stupid but full senile. He's only running to try and avoid jail and because of his ego. He likes the title of president and the right-wing ass kissing that goes with it. The U.S. Military isn't going to do his bidding if he actually tried to stay in power indefinitely or off political opponents, and unlike the Nazi armies, the Gravy Seals aren't going to do shit. I'll cite again the example of Ashli Babbitt's rotting corpse. Those assholes around her fled like roaches the second shit got real. Full scale cowards, they talk a lot, will be disruptive as hit, but will cower the second faced with real consequences. Otherwise, I agree with the parallels, racial and ethnic grievances propped up to win public support.
  10. Yes, we all know your purpose in this thread, say it again!
  11. Talk about a broken record, this has been posted dozens upon dozens of times. The Big 12 will get at least one game regularly on a major network and the ratings of the non OU-TX matchups have been posted before that they do well enough to justify the media contract (about half of BIG/SEC which makes sense). Of course it also means more mid-week and ESPN+ broadcasts, but it is what it is, we survived unlike the PAC and are making more than the ACC which will probably fold as soon as FSU and Clemson find their way out. The future looks fine for the Big 12.
  12. Prestige Worldwide. Cool, just do it already if that's what matters most. I'd prefer to cut out the bottom half from that graph as a lower division and the upper half enter into a pooled media rights agreement that provides more money for programs with higher ratings but more than enough to allow for legit competition. Either way, football should have broken off separately 20 years ago or earlier. Football money can justify UCLA and Rutgers being in the same conference, but to make the soccer and diving teams do that is asinine. Even basketball makes more sense geographically. Whatever comes next, for the love of everything, let the rest of the sports go back to old school geographic alignments.
  13. I think the only realistic option is the comment above about federalizing the state guard. Biden is still their commander in chief. If they disobey take them out back for dereliction of duty.
  14. Buncha bloodthirsty badasses up in here. That's all it is, blood lust. I do, however, agree with the catalytic converter opinion. Had mine taken twice, fuck those people, I'll strangle them myself.
  15. I just don't think they actually believe in heaven, it's just a social club at this point. There's no way they can read the Jesus stories and think that when they reach the pearly gates God is going to praise them for treating Mexicans with such disdain. Or gay people, or others they don't like. They go to the building and with a wink and a nod to each other they know it's all just a reason to be the way they want to be. There's just no other logical explanation.
  16. He was flirting with the NFL his whole tenure, I don’t think anything could have kept him there. I think he truly wants a Lombardi trophy to one up his brother. The person I feel most for is DeBoer. If Harbaugh made his decision the same time as Saban he probably could have had either job. Ann Arbor Michigan or Tuscaloosa Alabama? You can win at both, choice seems easy af.
  17. Just more proof that the most vocal Christians don’t actually believe in anything, they just use it as an excuse to be hateful assholes.
  18. So when his troops start mowing down people in the river it's a war crime, right? Right?????
  19. Of the 2 UM grads I know, one went to Arkansas (has family in Michigan or something), the other is a huge UM sports fan. He also went to USC so he went full sports/academics and honestly I'm a little jealous (my second degree is from SMU and I enrolled at OSU when Bob Simmons was coach, so sports wasn't exactly the top of my list, lol).
  20. True. But when every defensive drive is giving up a TD, not even holding them to a FG, there's no momentum to be had. And I still blame Fat Mike and his 10 play offense more than Dak's performance. Once the defense knows the plays it's a fucking problem and this team never adjusts on either side of the ball. I seriously have no idea how these coaches reach this level without any ability to pivot when necessary.
  21. No shit, he gave up 6 TD's on GB's first 7 drives. What a loser of a QB.
  22. To be clear, I'm all for Haley staying in as long as possible and having some success, if for no other reason, to piss of dotard and hopefully accelerate his dementia/obesity/heart conditions etc. I saw reference earlier to Haley outpolling Biden in a head to head, and I think that is absolute insanity. I think republicans who don't like trump will still vote for him as I described above, but if Haley gets the nomination, a bunch of die hard trumpers won't vote at all. He's the only reason they even pay attention, and if he loses to a brown woman, they'll hate her just as much as Biden.
  23. I personally think you are giving way too much credit to people who still call themselves republicans. Even if they don't particularly like trump, they'll pull the lever for him in November, for one of a million reasons they come with. It's either abortion (can't possibly vote for a baby killing democrat), or gays (but the democrats want to destroy traditional marriage), or immigrants (at least he's not for open borders like the democrats), or the old stand-by "at least he isn't a SOCIALIST" (keeping in mind that they've been brainwashed to believe that anything proposed by democrats is socialism). I hope I'm wrong, but the last several years have killed any hope I've had for sanity in this country.
  24. Marriage is dumb. Tie tax breaks to having kids. No reason childless couples need tax breaks. Just celebrated my 17th anniversary, but philosophically, it makes little sense. You don’t need a legal certificate to differentiate between ethical and nonethical fucking around. If both partners are legitimately into it, no harm no foul. I think the problem is that it’s rarely mutual. The only example of a swinging couple I know of is my friend’s brother who was fucking around and convinced his wife that they should be swingers. She apparently participates but the origin story sure sounds like it was forced on her and she didn’t want to divorce. Weird shit imo.
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