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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by bmbmd

  1. I thought that was Tiki Island. Sorry about the snow-probably the last time you'll see it in you life.
  2. About 30 below in Glasgow Montana in February of 1988. A week later, I was fishing at Lake Amistad and it was about 95. I much prefer 95. 115 in Olney Texas on the opening day of dove season around 2001 or so. My dad used to tell the story of attending services at the First Baptist Church of Seymour back in '36-temps got to 120.
  3. And again, the mayor of Colorado City.... All, I have set back and watched all this escalating and have tried to keep my mouth shut! I won’t deny for one minute what I said in my post this morning. Believe me when I say that many of the things I said were taken out of context and some of which were said without putting much thought in to it. I would never want to hurt the elderly or anyone that is in true need of help to be left to fend for themselves. I was only making the statement that those folks that are too lazy to get up and fend for themselves but are capable should not be dealt a handout. I apologize for the wording and some of the phrases that were used! I had already turned in my resignation and had not signed up to run for mayor again on the deadline that was February 12th! I spoke some of this out of the anger that the city and county was catching for situations which were out of their control. Please understand if I had it to do over again I would have just kept my words to myself and if I did say them I would have used better wording and been more descriptive. The anger and harassment you have caused my wife and family is so undeserved....my wife was laid off of her job based off the association people gave to her and the business she worked for. She’s a very good person and was only defending me! But her to have to get fired from her job over things I said out of context is so horrible. I admit, there are things that are said all the time that I don’t agree with; but I would never harass you or your family to the point that they would lose there livelihood such as a form of income. I ask that you each understand I never meant to speak for the city of Colorado City or Mitchell county! I was speaking as a citizen as I am NOT THE MAYOR anymore. I apologize for the wording and ask that you please not harass myself or my family anymore! Threatening our lives with comments and messages is a horrible thing to have to wonder about. I won’t share any of those messages from those names as I feel they know who they are and hope after they see this they will retract the hateful things they have said! Thank you Tim Boyd(citizen)
  4. Relax-the mayor of Colorado City has advice for all you losers out there.
  5. Irresistible force vs immovable object kind of thing.
  6. Last time I was there, I ran in to NBA legend Jerry West. CSB.
  7. I've got one I drive in bad weather. It would be perfect if I could see out the back. So much for "suicide doors".
  8. Not only was Bill Russell in the running for best big man ever, he is also a world class grandfather. Many years ago, he and his granddaughter were in front of my daughter and I at Disney's Tomorrowland Speedway. His knees were up around his shoulders. They finished, he extracted his almost seven foot frame from that tiny little car, looked at me sheepishly, shook his head, and said "Kids".
  9. My mother-in-law was the Valedictorian of Avoca High School. The other guy was Salutatorian.
  10. I've had both-Pfizer. Also, after nearly a year of fighting this thing, I got a shipment of 3M N95 masks a few days after my second shot. I should be safe as shit now. My behavior, however, has not changed-I am still relentlessly cautious.
  11. I thought that was gonna be Stinnett before I clicked. I was the Methodist youth director there about fifty years ago. There were many meetings and many telephone calls between the good citizenry of that town. Stinnett is, by the way-the home town of Donnie Anderson.
  12. So I've been wearing my knock-off KN-95 masks and eye protection religiously, washing my hands, keeping distance, staying home etc since March 2020. I've treated dozens of active Covid patients who somehow made it past the gestapo that guards my front door. I've also been face to face with virus spewers in the hospital. Finally in December I got my first line Pfizer injection, followed by the second three weeks later. By the grace of God, assisted by good technique and hygiene, O Pos blood type, supplements, and a healthy serving of good luck, I remained disease free. So, now that I am supposedly immune, what do you think arrived last Thursday? That's right-genuine made in America 3-M N-95 masks, courtesy of the home office. Bet your ass I'm grateful. I'll cinch those bad boys around my noggin 'til the cows come home.
  13. Four fried chickens. And a coke.
  14. Alcohol. Just celebrated twenty dry years. He is an interesting Facebook follow.
  15. All good answers, but consider the extra crispies at the bottom of Long John Silver's planks.
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