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Everything posted by Sandman

  1. Well done bacon is the best bacon.
  2. Mike Gundy's son goes to Arkansas. Hope they make a run at him.
  3. At the grocery store last night, my kid put lunch meat on the list because the stuff we have is almost expired. Me: Don't get the 1 pound pack, I don't want it going bad like the last one. Wife: So get the 16 ounce pack?
  4. It was funny. They had movies, sex toys, all kinds of stuff. Had a coin-op video booth thing as well but I never went in there. (For those wondering why anyone would drive 3 hours for dirty movies, hardcore porn is/was illegal in Oklahoma. So if you wanted the real shit, you had to go out of state.)
  5. Back in the VHS days, we'd drive from OKC to the porn shop in Sanger to load up on porno flicks, so this hits close to home. KT Video for the MF win.
  6. Somebody better tell Ted Dibiase he needs a new bodyguard.
  7. I thought it was a sex move that I was far too old or sheltered to have heard about.
  8. If a tweet could threaten their safety, why the fuck would he go there? Wouldn't you want to stay away from a place like that?
  9. Talking with the wife and kid last night about Columbus day: Me: Always wondered why it's a holiday here, he didn't land in what is now the US. Wife: I thought he landed at Plymouth Rock? Me: WTF? Wife: Wasn't he on the Mayflower? Isn't that his ship?
  10. I'm guessing it's because none of the people that are bleating about how much they love Whataburger are interested in a Whatacareer.
  11. Well, of course he did. He knows you can't trust the police in that town.
  12. EV owners screwed over by the shutdown: https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a29428694/electric-car-owners-power-shutdown-california/
  13. Put some respect on Harry Potter's name, you big jerk.
  14. I had to pull some documents this morning, every one of them was in the top drawer of the cabinets. Didn't have to squat down on the floor. Fuck yes.
  15. The only ou people I consider friends are actual graduates of the school, so that makes a difference. They still defend much of the stupid shit that goes on in norman but they do it in a less redneck way.
  16. My dad was USAF, we got stationed here when I was in Jr High. I imagine it's a lot like when kids get groomed by a pedophile, it starts young and you don't know enough to realize you're in hell. By the time I was old enough to do something about it, my family was entrenched here and I just surrendered. Sad!
  17. If you live in Oklahoma for 30+ years, you're bound to have a few ou loving friends. The odds aren't in your favor after a year or two.
  18. Talked with 2 friends, both ou grads, and both said they have a terrible feeling about the game and think ou loses. Maybe they're just whistling past the graveyard, I don't know. I'm no fan of either team but I hate ou with the fury of 1000 suns, so go horns.
  19. I remember when I got my renewal notice in 1995. They offered me the "1994 Video Yearbook" for my favorite NFL team. Seeing as I am a 49er fan and they won the super bowl for the 94-95 season, I was stoked to get a recap video. So I paid the money. Then I got the video. It was the 1994 yearbook alright - that detailed the fucking 1993 season. It was 2 years behind! I called and complained, so they sent me a free hat. The hat sucked too. For some stupid reason, I didn't cancel for another 5 years.
  20. What a coincidence, "The Manager" is what I call my penis.
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