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Everything posted by Sandman

  1. I'd be ok with it if we were having sex constantly but this is a wife we're talking about, so.....
  2. I wanted to tell her that her friend needs a donkey punch and I'd help her out. She's got them RATs. I'm too smart to fall for that trap, though.
  3. I learned how to play when I was working in the county jail. All of us officers would hang out in the office and play. I had watched the inmates playing and always wondered how they just knew what the other guys were gonna do. It was like magic. After much playing and getting roasted ("Do the dishes, bitch!"), I got it. It's like I had The Glow or something. I knew what a guy was holding when he played a certain domino, I just KNEW it. Sadly, I haven't played in over 20 years so all that shit is gone. My friends never played and I'm not about to slap down "Fitteen, muthafucka!" on my wife or kids. I had a good run, though.
  4. My wife was talking about her co-worker that was feeling frustrated, "I told her she needs to just let the punches roll down her back.".
  5. Sounds like it's time to put out a bonuty on the bounty hunters. Not sure who you call for that.
  6. Coors talk not going away: I remember when we left California in 1980 to visit my dad's family in Indiana, my uncle begged my dad to bring some Coors back for him, as you couldn't get it in Indiana at the time. I believe because it wasn't pasteurized, but I was a kid so I have no idea.
  7. My twin girls will be seniors next month. We live in the OKC metro and both have decided they want to go to Oklahoma State, which is fine with me. My wealthy ex father-in-law (their grandfather) told them he'd pay for their first semester and if they got good grades and didn't take any (in his opinion) bullshit classes, he'd continue to pay for their education. So hopefully they don't fuck it up. One wants to be an RN, the other wants to teach math, I think they'll be ok. Interestingly, neither kid wants to dive head first into college life. Both have said they want to go to OSU-OKC (OSU's version of community college) to get started and then they'll transfer to Stillwater later. They are a bit scared to leave home. I'm scared for them to leave, but I haven't told them that. I just want them to be successful adults, and I'll support whatever can make that happen.
  8. Was this school closed campus? I never stepped foot inside my HS cafeteria, I always went home for lunch or out to eat with friends. Fuck eating school lunch.
  9. He was amazing IMO as Walt Disney in Saving Mr Banks. He looks incredible here, too.
  10. I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.
  11. Eating peanut butter straight from the jar with a plastic spoon.
  12. They can find a waiver for that. Just ask your recruiter.
  13. Not trying to be a debbie downer here but...it looks just like the first one. Maverick is a loose cannon/rebelious asshole; Drunken party at the local watering hole, music and singing galore; homoerotic beach sports; beloved friend/colleague is killed; dogfight with enemy combatants. Mix in Mav getting laid somewhere in there. I'm not saying it's trash it's just been done. That's the same problem I had with Jurassic Park and the new Star Wars films. Yeah, I liked seeing dinos wreck shop and lightsabres, but it's the same formula.
  14. The easy access to fire-water really soothes those jangled nerves.
  15. He was on Jim Rome recently and he said he doesn't practice during the week for regular tournaments, only when he's getting ready for a major. https://mobile.twitter.com/jimrome/status/1151584241353781248
  16. When it comes to phone calls, my wife starts every sentence with "Um". I've gotten numb to it over the years.
  17. When they built the turnpike system in Oklahoma, the legislature said it would charge the toll for the roads until the cost to build the roads had been paid off. Then, once they paid it off and realized how much $$$ they were raking in, they moved the goal posts and now the fees are permanent to cover "maintenance" . It's a fucking racket but I've got no room to complain because I pay those tolls all the time.
  18. I was lazy and didn't open mine when it arrived last night. I went to HBO GO to watch it and I must say, some of the "remastering" looks like ass. Forced zooms, washed out faces. Hopefully, the Blu-ray is better. Still loved watching it, though.
  19. We lived in an apartment (military housing) when I grew up and we didn't have a fireplace. So I never had a stocking at christmas time. Fast forward many years and I'm at my parents house and my mom is decorating for christmas and she's at the fireplace, putting up stockings for my nephew and niece. I told my mom, WTF we never had stockings before (and didn't get one now), what gives? She just kind of mumbled something like "Yeah, you had such a hard life, I guess". My parents are/were great but that always stuck in my craw. My niece and nephew turned out to be total fucking losers, so I guess I got the last laugh.
  20. I got some new socks, thinner than my usual kind. They make my shoes fit perfectly, it's so great.
  21. You actually think Seattle will have an arena by then? It's been 10 years and they still haven't gotten it done.
  22. Some Surly 1%-er can really humblebrag if they buy this. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/aubrey-mcclendon-oklahoma-city-thunder-195316575.html
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