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Everything posted by next2naus

  1. if you said Starbucks, D&D or a CVS/Duane Reade/Walgreens I would agree.
  2. I find most Texans to be slow, less than tolerant of other cultures in their own and other countries and not all together worldly wise.
  3. this is just dumb. I'm guessing you have never been to NYC, sometimes all I feel that I do is give directions to some hapless map holding clown at the top of a subway staircase.
  4. I left one small island called Texas to moved here. You like areas filled with tourists and people begging for money in Elmo suits, that's you. do you.
  5. I don't care if we ever play them again and I don't think younger kids do either. It's over.
  6. oh thats what I was looking for, you're an easy mark
  7. You could, stop wasting your time whining on this shit thread you started and do some looking on your own. Since you seem lazy, try somethin like Eter to see some restaurants having parties or close to where you believe you will be staying.
  8. And I'd rather spend my time on 120 Acres that I know have birds versus hoping there are birds there. We still had to flush'em and shot em in 6 foot tall grass and scrub trees. One man's coffee is another man's tea
  9. ooooooooooh sick burn, you really got me.
  10. private Game Farm, no limit
  11. two hunters, guide, dog.
  12. nice hunt this weekend on a farm in East Hampton
  13. no, they are. I get that they are styling and in at the moment but the quality is crap, it's a high end reusable shopping bag. They say that the coated Linen of the bag is hand painted, sure, like Tito's Vodka is still hand made. A hand pushed the button on the machine that makes it. A lot of high end stuff is shit, look at LV, it's coated canvas and plated brass. thats a lot of coin for coated tote bag. style, quality and value...you decide which is weighted more.
  14. "co-workers"...what Flingers do you work at?
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