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orange dream

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by orange dream

  1. I was going to say almost exactly this. I will add that in March of 2020 we spent a couple of days at a house in the mountains close to Gatlinburg/PF and a few days later the entire world shut down. YMMV.
  2. I've always been an Olympic junkie. I remain one and have raised my kids in the same fashion. My current 8 year old wakes each morning between 4 and 6, opens his door each morning at precisely 6:30 (because that is the earliest he is allowed to) and turns the TV on to check the results overnight and determine his viewing schedule for the day. In between watching sessions he is operating three separate one-man tournaments (baseball, softball & 3on3 basketball) in which he plays the role of all teams. It is priceless and I can't think of a more fun way for him to spend what would otherwise be the blah days of 100 degree miserable summer. This morning at breakfast he was commenting that he is going to be bored when the Olympics stop and all he has to follow is mid-season baseball. ha ha Having said all that... the time difference is a beating this go around. Anticlimactic knowing most results in advance. I would also be in favor of either sticking the summer games permanently in Athens and the winter somewhere in the Alps or having a set rotation of (Athens / Tokyo / Rio / LA & Sydney) for the Summer and something similar but cold for the winter so the venues can be built once and then reused. Plus every now and then someone pops up that is pretty easy on the eyes and for @Thujone...
  3. Honestly, I think the biggest movement will probably be some schools like SMU (rich alum base and fond memories of bygone success) who are able to move their recruiting a few steps up the ladder. Maybe even somebody like Nebraska (doubt it) or Pitt I could see Vandy maybe stepping up with whatever moral objection that 'might' have existed removed. Second type of candidate I can see making a move using NIL is the G5 team in a populated area with some wide fan support or little brother type schools. Central Florida / Louisville types and then Mich State, OK State, Wash State as little bro examples. To me, the existing blue bloods will do it and do it successfully but they were already the Joneses so I don't necessarily see keeping your spot as a big "benefit". Admittedly, we and USC have not done as much with our Joneses status as the others on this list.
  4. Talked to a co-worker yesterday who tested positive (along with his wife and teenage son) for the Delta variant over the weekend. He, his wife and his teenage son have all been fully vaccinated with Moderna (April / May timeframe) . Son apparently picked it up at a camp somewhere in west Texas a week or so ago. Came home after camp with a dry cough and generally worn out. They assumed he was just tired from camp and had some allergies, etc. Cough and fatigue persisted and his ears had fluid so they went to the doctor to check on a possible ear infection. Doc said they needed to covid test even though they had been vaccinated. Son was positive. Parents were tested and were positive also. The mom and dad both developed a cough and the dad even ended up with a 104 fever. County health tested them all again to confirm it was the Delta variant and it was. They're in Kerr county.
  5. Guided trip or just giving your own master class on how to have a badass day fishing?
  6. are you new here? ha ha I've always thought Mark Richt seemed like good people. Hope he's able to stave off the worst of it for as long as possible.
  7. I'll start by saying I'm not a big fisherman and haven't read more than the current page so if the answer to my question is located elsewhere please direct me. My 18 YO son has gotten into fishing and I'd like to take him on a trip for a couple of days in mid-August. He seems most interested in bass fishing and has mentioned Lake Amistad. We're in DFW but I'm willing to travel but don't want to take 2 days to get to a place for a 2 day fishing trip. I thought he might be interested in some offshore fishing (Texas or Florida) but he seems hung on lake bass fishing. I think he has watched too many youtube videos of bass fishing. ha ha Should I try to talk him into offshore or should I just focus on finding the right lake and a good bass guide somewhere? Amistad seems hard to get to plus I'm guessing it's balls hot there (like most of Texas) in August. Thoughts, suggestions, etc.
  8. congrats @msudawg Great season. Enjoy the glow of your team winning it all!!
  9. Bednar is nails, Sims is great, Rocker and Leiter outstanding, our staff is stout… but these umps have been terrible. Embarrassingly bad calling strikes that are literally in the batters box. Not sure anything will happen but it makes the game worse.
  10. Was just up there last week. Spent time in Cape Elizabeth / Portland and Bar Harbor / Acadia over the course of the week. Had fun and would return but not sure if I will as there are always new places to see.
  11. Poor little dude was probably trying to count strikeouts in the longhorn game and his brain overheated. Glad to hear he is doing better.
  12. [csb] Almost 30 years ago some buddies and I had been out drinking and decided we needed some late night grub when the bars closed. We hit up the waffle house who had the All You Can Eat option going at the time. We had all been through a plate two and decided to push it for one more round. Keep in mind there are the 5 or 6 of us at 1 booth and 1 guy by himself sitting at the bar. It's probably 3:30 AM by this point. We hear this monstrous sneeze and look up to see the cook shaking his head after having sneezed straight onto the griddle full of our food and then just go back to flipping things with this spatula. About 5 minutes later our food was delivered. We were sober enough by that point to just pay our bill without eating it. We still laugh about it when we get together. [/csb]
  13. We received forgiveness notice for Round 1 today. We only had to wait about 230 days. ha ha
  14. Sorry for you and your family's loss. RIP Mama Brisket
  15. Interesting thought but I'd guess our friends at the NCAA might have issues with any sort of official relationship. If a concept like this was allowed it would certainly favor the Big State U type of schools as most private schools and even non-flagships state schools don't have satellites (or at least not D-1 satellites). Now unofficially I don't see why something couldn't be arranged as long as UTSA saw the benefit of picking up some guys they might not otherwise get but have the risk of losing them in a year or two.
  16. Forgot about this. I got the X-Chair HMT in late January. I like it and it's comfortable. Massage is good, heat is so so. Probably a bit overpriced (1,200 - 1,300) but it seems like all chairs are. The lumbar adjustment is a little bit strange in that it slides up a 5 point scale and locks in place at each point on the way up but when it reaches the top it releases and falls all the way back down to spot 1. Often when I stand up that lumbar section catches on my butt as I'm standing (raising it all the way to the top so that it releases as falls back down to position 1) so I have to readjust it to the correct spot when I sit back down. Not difficult but a little annoying. Overall happy with it but I'd be happier if it had cost about half as much.
  17. Backfired for me last night. I ordered while on my way home during a thunderstorm. Paid in app, got confirmation notice reminding me to check in when I arrived with my spot number. Pulled in to location to find that the power in a 5 block radius was out. No whataburger for me... Waiting on my refund... ¡pobrecito!
  18. orange dream


    Filed amongst the things I don't understand is how the Chili Peppers can sell their catalog for 160 Million while REK needs to refinance his house to make payroll for his 10 person company. Maybe no one outside of those who attended UT, TAMU or TTU between 1985-2000 has ever heard of him so the base is so small it doesn't really pay. I could understand it if he had just blown all the money on shenanigans but I've never had that impression with him. Maybe he needs to start producing NFTs. Surprises me.
  19. Wulaw, if the sex tent isn't pitched in the yard by nightfall (with no explanation to the wife) I and all of Surly will be disappointed in you.
  20. What sort of communist shithole do you live in? City fields not accessible to Little Leaguers? What do they think this is 2020 or something? Good luck!!
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