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Everything posted by Longhornstampede

  1. Caleb Williams is awful. Can't hit a receiver if he's going faster than a brisk walk
  2. Agreed. He's always seemed personable. But he coached at dickeater U! Other than that I had no reason to dislike him. He did his job and won....most of the time. His brother on the other hand 🖕
  3. I look forward to the Joel Klatt segment every week. Once again, he didn't disappoint
  4. Agreed. Those guys will come out and play hard for Stoops. He's a dick eater but gotta respect him stepping up to cover for Lincoln the bitch
  5. THIS is the kind of person that gets hit by foul balls at baseball games
  6. In laws visited from Friday thru Sunday. Love spending time with them since both of my own parents are gone. Got some fishing gear and a box of ProV 1s. 2nd best gift was having Monday to myself. In laws left on Sunday and wife had to work. I sat around and started drinking at 9am and then cleaning house at 2 so she wouldnt have to do any of it after a day of work. All. By. Myself.
  7. MCarthy saying...."keep your fucking benches at home next time"
  8. Why couldn't they have called themselves the Washington Team of Football?
  9. Yes! Thank you! Ive spent the last 2 days walking around my inlaws singing "CHRISTMAAAAASS" and not being able to give them context. But the first time I did it my SIL literally spit out her drink
  10. I'm wondering how late one can check into this thread. Everyone in the house has been in bed for at least 2 hours and I'm just turning in. Finally drunk enough to consider going to bed...fuck!
  11. I have no idea what the name of the song is but they played it as a drop. It's a song where someone (maybe jub) growls out "Christmas!" while others are singing the actual song. Yeah I know, that's not a pretty great description, but If you know what I'm talking about, do you have a link to that song? I suck at searches...
  12. BTW just sent the prudish outlaws to bed after showing then Christmas Vacation for the first time. They actually loved it and I pounded down 5 eggnogs with a shit ton of spiced rum while enjoying that!
  13. Fuck you! And Merry Christmas to you fellow surly drunk. You've been the one constant on this thread and I applaud you for it! 🤘
  14. Where can I find a link to the song where someone is blurting out CHRISTMAS!
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