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Everything posted by Longhornstampede

  1. I'm the only one still up...and it's not a bad thing....now I can really pour it on for a while
  2. You're not alone in this world. Been entertaining the inlaws....alcohol had to be involved. Rebecca Creek making some money off me this weekend
  3. So....what came first? The monkey or the gypsy at the ER?
  4. 2 posts in this thread have made it worthwhile to read the whole thing!
  5. My in-laws (all 4 of them) will here Thursday.... I may rest my liver for the coming onslaught....
  6. Walking through the likker store today....
  7. Are there any female NDSU fans in that crowd under 200 pounds?
  8. I propose we should have a Surly contingent attend! I would travel!
  9. I'm no professional hitman, but I am former military...and I'm a damn good shot...and no, I won't take anyone out for you
  10. Waking up because of insomnia at 2:30 am and catching up on Lulz threads and WWF games while having a vodka and cranberry juice has become one of my guilty pleasures lately. Then I can go back to sleep.
  11. Anyone here happen to know Kayla? Asking for a friend
  12. My neighbor that lives behind me must be on a tequila bender. Been playing his music loud enough for everyone to hear for about 40 minutes. I'm sure he's in his backyard and has raised his glass several times by now
  13. Started drinking straight vodka on ice during the 1st quarter of the Dallas game. .might have to pull the throttle back and drop the flaps a little and start on some shiner so I make it to supper
  14. The Mexican George Strait.... Only thing is I never heard him cover a George song but I did hear George Strait cover a Vicente Fernandez song
  15. She didn't sabotage the fun...she sabotaged me....she got me so hammered so she could go to bed knowing I'll probably fall asleep in the living room until at least mid morning. She just wants to sleep!
  16. Here for the party...on white Russian number 6....or 7...damn near no cream or milk in them ...the wife sabotaged me....not like I mind
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